Chapter 79 I Will Find You Again

Her paws were relaxed at her sides as she said softly, "he's becoming mortal, but he still has some of his immortal side. it hasn't gone yet." etienne looked at azrian. "see? i can still look at you."

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The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. II

But he opened himself up to powers that he should not have come near, and the stories i have told you about the god kethke, or the immortals rheuhl and yhlamora are not fairy tales.

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Kissa's NSFW biography

She also gives her immortality. - understands the human language. - she can return to braixen as often as she want.


Dreamscape: What Dreams May Come

What did an immortal princess know of death? countless ponies had come and gone during the span of her long lifetime.

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 19 & Epilogue

Indeed, i have bequested you with the immortality that i have possessed for so long. sadly, the side effect of making you immortal is that my own immortality ends, and as a result i am no longer alive.


Watcher of Arceus - Path of the Immortal Chapter 3

"i am immortal, despite what how i look and how we've grown up."

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chatper 8: Choices

"if you choose to have alex not know the gift and live without immortality, i might not be remembered even if you tell mortals." crest listened carefully and asked, "what other outcomes are there?" "you becoming immortal and i live in memory.

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Crime and Cruel and Unusual Punishment

As the cart rolled past, an immortal entered the fray, her wide bladed spear tossed aside.

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Immortalis, Segment #1

Raziel had immortality himself, being an angel, but didn't understand the connotations of it on earth at first. it was only now that he was beginning to realise that this man, likely the only one of his 'kind', had to hide his immortality.

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"i want to stay immortal, and when i find the one i love, i want to make them immortal with out having to kill the dirt of the earth just to stay alive." "is that all you wish young one?" "yes." "very well."

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Rightious. 4

She rarely moved from her crimson throne anymore, alone save for rows of immortal golem guards unspeaking in their eternal vigil.  

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