Chapter 1: Into the Wild

"senator collier! this is indeed a pleasure. how may i be of service?" the senator pulled a crinkled envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket and handed it to the lynx.

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Insurrection - Prologue

Gracaria-nordavic, capitol district capitol building, senate chamber this was almost what the prime minister lived for. the senate chamber was full of the empire's thousands of senators.

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College Freshfox

These form the senate. one memeber of the senate is elected every two years as the dean of the station, taking over the rule as station commander and thus the representant of the station in the asgardian assembly.

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When World's Collide: Chapter 1

"tensions are high enough between the un and dragon senate without these fucking hicks starting a godamn inter-species war". he looked at the shriveled body, towering over it.

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BUSTED! Part 3

"senator moore, i'm so glad i caught up with you!

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Drako Tygon- chapter 5

I realized at once that the senators didn't hear this, so it must be broadcasted by the communicator. then, tornado guided all of the senators to a safe-room. i ran to the barracks and met up with the rest of our leaders.

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Purity of the Feline Part 2

He often liked to devise new laws in peace, and then ask for the senate's approval after he had finished all the minor details. he lay on a small bed he had placed there for late night work. he saw me come in and smiled "hey alex."

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Identity: Chapter Nine

"senator adam johnson is a republican from tennessee, the senior senator from that state. he's served three complete terms and is now two years into his fourth." he paused, spreading one of the articles with a paw.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 8

"and i am grateful for your patience, senators. i pray to the sons of heaven that my misgivings are proven to be unnecessary." senator omilitus flicked an ear in agreement. "thank you, ionious. you are excused."

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Face of the Stranger, part 1

Now it is up to me and my fellow senators to close it. a- please listen, senator. this is not a communicable disease like mumps. i will explain what richard and i discovered. "i agree.

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Enter Rome

The senator was furious. he and father have never seen eye to eye, which has been a problem considering that he has the most seniority of all the senators by a significant margin. the marriage was supposed to be a way to appease him, but, well..."

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The White Robe Chapter 27

Every angle that he thought through in his head was sure to be blocked by the senator.

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