Puppy Love - Chapter One

Had adopted this orphan despite her husband's angry outbursts, saying you could not domesticate a fox, and the only \*good\* fox, was one hanging from the fence with its throat cut.

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 04

"what i don't understand... is how a group such as the domestics learned of the six sources... or even of where to look for them.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 10

"the spirits will only lift the curse if the tribe of raven wolf completely gets rid of all the domestics, it was a difficult enough task when they first received the curse, but now with the numbers the domestics have it is an impossible task."

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 14

"it sounded like a domestic military handgun." shiya is concerned to hear this. "you think the domestic military is here?" tahki shakes her head no. "there's no more noise, it was only two shots.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 12

"is that because he's a domestic?" teddy gives an aggravated groan. "oh come on! i've already been through all that spirit junk!"

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Domesticated (Catgirl Housewife TF TG)

His friends talked him into it. The deal was that he take pictures of the inside of the house and they would pay him 200 bucks, another 100 if he found out anything interesting. The house itself was big, three stories tall with red brick siding and...

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Domestic Violance part two: work

"Hey honey." came the sweet voice of one of Alex's good friends. A golden white lion named Joey. The white lion opened his arms and hugged the small Husky rubbing his back. Alex was still for a few moments before he slowly slid his arms around the...

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A Domestic Call [Patreon, Story, Werewolf]

The police cruiser turned left on the dirt road, its tires crunching on the gravel of the unpaved driveway. Inside the cruiser, officer Miller glanced at the house number to verify she had the right address. She wiped sweat from her hairline and...

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Unlucky Cats 04

It was titled article 23, declaration of domestication. i \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hereby relinquish all rights, freedoms and worldly possessions and declare myself sapio-domestic.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 07

He right now works hard to create a bridge of peace with the domestics, an action like that will destroy everything he has worked so hard on."

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The Dead Among Us (Chapter 5: Eye on the Prize)

We are duty bound as citizens of this country to band together against all forms of aggression, both foreign and domestic. in a way, we're up against both; a foreign disease, and a domestic assault on the living, breathing human race.

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