The Q Word

Skull and rib fractures. probably a belly bleed too. no radial pulse, weak carotid. gcs 11. i'm gonna come along and take this. you mind?"

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Things Eventually Break (Ferret and Badger part 3) (Otherwise Untitled)

~ a coupling fracture would be tedious to repair, but she'd still be able to get the delivery into port on time. "i just welded that coupling last week!", she declared angrily at the problem she assumed to be at hand.

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380 Dark Places of the Earth

In one direction, the tunnel comes to an end where movements within the exposed slope have caused slipping and sliding of fractured blocks down into the empty space, but the other end is open.

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GoM-Ep18-Darius Elmwood-

Meanwhile brian is still trapped inside the fractured prison that remains with him seeing everything through his own eyes and is plotting a way to escape and regain control somehow.

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heaven or hell, introduction

Me push me out for what i am, a vampire they told me i'm pure evil but i have done no wrong im forever stuck in purgatory waiting judgement there must be there has to be away to get out before im done here i will shake the heavens for there wrong i will fracture

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A Light, Love

His skin fractures as he slithers to coil around the fallen fruit. just this once, he will have his try, love. when waves writhe and thrash, he answers with firmness. his mast sways back and forth with heaves and howls to glorify love.

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belic chronicles ch1

Have you had anything like a penile fracture? or a ruptured testicle?" belic: whats a penile fracture o.0?

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To Give

Bright shimmers of fractured light glimmers from the cinders of an issue that now serves as tinder for the phoenix that rises past the shroud; i watch as you break each layer of cloud.

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The Gods Forsaken - I

Her fingers explored the bone underneath musculature, and with a sharp, stabbing throb, found where it had been fractured. at the very least, it was a distraction from the searing headache that she'd earned from breathing in the wrong gas.

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Omega vs Amora

She feels that she must have multiple bone fractures and her right arm is broken between her elbow and hand. she lifted her head up and saw that she is fifty feet from where she was standing, and that all the solders are dead!

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Spinning while sleeping...

All fractured, all fallen apart... many hold unsteady at a shaken heart.. some...the lucky...prepare to once again...start... chaos a second of thought i wake again, in shivers, on a cold bed, trying to remember what i just forgot...

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Poem #38: Perception

The _words_ all fall apart inside my mouth yet i cannot _taste_ them cannot _touch_ them and then i feel my _nose_ fracture into pieces, falling crumbling away the emotions inside me dance around _chaos_ they dance without me

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