Haunted Elephant Mansion

He was surprised to find the case was unlocked, and as he lifted up the top of the case to gain access to the pearl necklace, he noticed there was a giant picture of a woman above the necklace.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 11

Guile watched as chris opened the box and took out the necklace, with the sagacity badge now place on it like a pendant. "ooohhh... you wish to wear it! a fine way to display your first gym victory my boy!

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Striking a Pose

His glasses began to fog a bit as his mouth found the diamond necklace, and he ran the wet tongue along his gift to her.

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A Change In Perspective [Patreon Commission]

_i love you._ _i will always love you, askia._ _you know what that necklace means?_ he flicked his tongue out over his lips. "this necklace means that, no matter what, there's always someone out there that loves me."

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Jumping Mouse, Part 2

I saw him grab at the necklace; what the others in the shop saw was the necklace forcibly removed from the human male's hand and floated gently over to lillian's hand.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 14

Nose and began inspecting the necklace more closely " this is no ordinary jewelry.

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S1 Ep 33 Artemis’s Inner werewolf

Artemis bushed hard and wagged his tail a bit but silently put the necklace on as it was a perfect fit even though it was a diamond shaped silver necklace.

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Ch. 1: The Book

Dean stepped back and stared at the librarian as she stood up and handed over a necklace. "this necklace protects you from all the evil." dean stared at the necklace. the chain is made of gold, and the attachment is a star shaped ruby.

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Thoughtless Destruction

For reasons seemingly unknown, the dragon's emerald necklace shone in the sun, his hair turning a marvelous shade of bright green.

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One More Chance in Love

Instead she preferred it as a necklace, thus replacing the previous necklace, which was a blue heart-shaped gem necklace she had worn when she were a lot younger.

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Final Exams (sequel to My Tutor)

As she spoke, a soft blue light began to glow about her necklace as she focused all of her magical power into her next spell. the necklace glowed brighter and brighter...

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 50

It was a mangy little thing, with scars running diagonally across its chest, but what stood out most clearly in banno's eye was the necklace draped around its scrawny neck. father's necklace.

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