Chapter 2 -- The Newcomer (revising)

For a while, cynder and flare chatted, and spyro just hung out around them, occasionally interjecting something when he was brought up or verifying a question from cynder. "spyro, why don't you go and train for a bit?"

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a drop of kindness, a Spyro fanfic

Asked cynder, spyro just sighed to himself and looked at her sadly.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 21: To east we go

"cynder?" spyro turned his head to see her. "mhmh?" cynder snapped out of her evil stare on sparx and turned towards him. "you sure you're allright? you took quite a hit when edgard slammed you on ground." spyro in troubled voice.

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Spyro the Colliding - book one - chapter eight

\*coughes\* morning cynder." spyro said with a blush and an awkward smile. "what's wrong spyro?" cynder asked with a worried look, "you don't regret last night do you?" "no...."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 18

"cynder?" spyro rumbled worriedly, instinctively closing the distance to his mate "is everything okay?" "yes!" black paw rose sharply into the air, stopping his advance, she flashed the brothers a brief, forced smile "just wait here for a while okay?"

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Heat of Cynder's

"relax, cynder," spyro whispered, his voice laden with reassurance. cynder took a deep breath, the sensation of one of his shafts only just inside her caused her breathing to be shallow but she tried to let herself go.

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the news, the meeting and reunion

Ignitus ran up to the dragon and her scales turned to the same shade as cynder. spyro and cynder could just see what was going on. "i finally found you my love" said the black dragoness. "i too. i though you died."

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 8)

I don't want it to hurt my friends, especially not cynder." spyro said as he grabbed hypter's tail and started to drag him behind him. "you don't know where you are going do you?" hypter asked. "ehm...actually no."

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 6)

"are you really sure that is a good idea cynder?" spyro asked, as he was worried to hurt her. he only received a stern look as answer. cynder screamed out in pain as spyro buried his shaft deep inside her.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 1

"yes it is; but i think we should get back, cynder." spyro said "the others might begin to worry about us and i want to see the too."

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 8

"cynder!!!" spyro cried in joy at seeing her again. he ran toward her at top speed when she emerged from the tunnel, surprising her a little. he stopped just in front of her. "finally you mad it! i was so worried about you!

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