Have a cow

Jake then began to tit fuck herself and rubbing her hands all over her soft tit flesh. preasure was building inside her tits and cock, "oooohhhhh!!!!"

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Road Rovers SEX-ED

Professor Hunter Retriever had never slept with one of his students before. In fact, he'd always frowned on that sort of thing. But the moment he saw Colleen, he knew he was in trouble! The first day of class, she shwoed up in a tight checkered skirt...

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Road Rovers Roleplaying Fun

Hunter and his wife Colleen decided to is try roleplaying. So, Colleen decided to be a Porn Slut and Hunter decided to be a M.D. of a Porn Company. And one thing about being a stacked sexy porn slut is how you attract all kinds of attention every...

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Disclaimer\*\*\* Sex, body alteration, and angst among furries.. and statutory rape if you count high-school sex. Those things and more if you just cross that line. Story copyright Leslie R. Charm copyright her player. You know the drill....

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That's Entertainment

\*WARNING!\* The following story containes excessive amounts of blatent hard-core sex and should not be read by anyone, this means You! \*tsk\* Pervert. Story copyright Leslie\_R, The Expanded World Copyright Karno, Dracara based on a sketch...

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No Such Thing As Sea Monsters

The punishment was almost as absurd as the crime itself. Not allowed on a ship because it was bad luck to have a lady on board. Sure, ships got into accidents, but did any of them have any females on board? Maybe there's a reason why. Surely they could...

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Chapter 2: Pets and Prison

1.... Awakening from his nightmare, Ghost grabs onto his neck, rubbing the knot from where his head was learning against his shoulder. Slowly removing his jacket, and throwing it on the chair the young wolf, slides his power legs over the side of the...

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The Queer Couple: The Wish

Trevor pulled a comb out of the vanity drawer to put the finishing touches on his black hair. He used the teeth of the comb to carefully tease his black and blue-dyed locks into spikes. Putting the comb down, Trevor...

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Virtual Dreams / World Two: Daddy's Little Girl

World Two: Daddy's Little Girl The lizard stepped out of the swirling black rift and into a strange world with a bright blue sky and evergreen grass beneath his feet, the reptile looking down at this before looking up at the...

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A Submissive Krystal

Jorge, the grey wolf, and Krystal, the blue vixen, sat on the couch next to one another. Jorge had his arm around her and a bowl of popcorn in their lap. They had been expecting one of their favorite movies to be on tonight, but instead, there was...

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A good day for a walk!

(( People seemed to like my last story, so here's a longer one! )) Rhiandra snoozed on the floor of the kennel she had been put inside, the dull lights of the room buzzing with electricity, a large pile of hay and feathers having been provided...

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Bedroom Mysteries

Fun at Home: Bedroom Mysteries By Rowyin Darkwulf All characters © their players The sun slowly rose up over the tree tops, sunlight shining down upon the Darkwulf house. A ray of light slipped through a crack in the master bedroom blinds,...

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