The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.

He nodded at last, "at least it'll be better for the cervinoids to be domestic." "by all means it would." he paused, as he flicked on the scanners, "computer begin recording: subject 1004-cervinoid female, alive.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.4)

Most women in viking society, however, lived and worked in the domestic realm of the household.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.4)

Most women in viking society, however, lived and worked in the domestic realm of the household.



He was an anthropomorphic, black, domesticated feline (or housecat) who wore a generic t-shirt with an even more generic pair of jeans. he held his head in his hands and sighed. he was lost--big time.

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Earth's New Masters Part 8 Chasing My Tail

They are human beings as you and i know them, people with ambitions, hopes and dreams and a strong sense of the individual, none of which the domesticated humans were capable of.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 15

The two of them stood out painfully well in the domestic city, not to mention that the city was where the bulk of the military was based.

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The Volantis Corps-Ch3

"i, christopher coulter, do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that i take this obligation freely, without any

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 07

From what you're explaining it sounds like something much more advanced than anything that the domestics could do, and you mentioned the "true bloods'... who are they?" fitz nods his head it indeed not the work of domestics.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 12

All the super soldiers in the domestic military are all guys, how did they end up with a girl?" vaan looks back to chase. "is that really important right now?" "of course it is!

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And may be disgusted by the idea... i attedend to spider eggs, just like my father does. my father said over the course of a thousand years, he and others before him experimented with small spiders that came from the surface long long ago. then after their domestication

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Gulp by Proxy - [Patreon Preview]

Contains: suggestive language, a magical doll, transference of sensation (from a magical doll), buff lion sub, skinny bat dom, reference to a man's transness, and domestic life.

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Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire

While the senate legislates in the monarch's name, there exists the high council that advises the monarch on all matters of foreign and domestic policy.

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