
When a die is rolled, the world fractures, in six. and as the quanta bubbling under every act, thought and chance writhe.. the world dances, in a trillion to the power trillion, to the power trillion-trillion shatter.

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Lost Hope

With the eerie silence seeming to last an eternity, a few of the residents that had hid during the ordeal, now emerged from their fractured homes.

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Ep18-Civil Fractures-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

The Team had apparently grown divided over the issue that "is saving the world... really our problem?" Well, Zack,Juan,Vladmir and Bennett thought that it was not their problem. However on the flip side. Hector,Dexter,Joel and Ian thought that as...

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Fracture - Chapter 3 - Bliss and Doubt

#4 of fracture sorry for the wait, had it done a while ago, but just got around to uploading it. he groaned as they pulled into the driveway. they lived beside a hill and their driveway was sloped downward even further.

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Dragon in the Dungeon 11 Summary pt.1

Ky takes this time to remind her daughter that without valyrym, death in the night wouldn't exist and that in her mind, the actions which led to his imprisonment and fracturing of his family were understandable, but not necessarily justified.

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Ridixin (Original Short Story)

After counting, i find a staggering thirty-eight bones are broken, and another twelve are fractured. but that's extremely better than expected, as it should be dead multiple times over.

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Solipsism XVIII

Renamon's arm was not just injured, but borderline on a compound fracture, and raia wasn't simple exhausted, her right leg had been bashed, swelling heavily around the knee.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

Due to the fractured nature of the ancient one most spirits give him a wide berth.

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09 - Tumble Weeds

The fracture in her mind opened into a full fissure and she could not gather enough thoughts together to determine a proper course of action.

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Death's Blood Ch. Sixteen: Insurance and Woe

Instantly, the lizard breaks apart as the fractured souls having aided slij separate. the chaos that they beget does not last long. with the help of all the pure souls, the fractured souls are driven back to where they belong.

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"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.09 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

She cried out, blood rushing from her mouth, as she staggered into a heap on the snowy stone paving.kelmore leaped to her defence and swung his staff as hard as he could at his sister's attacker.he connected and the creature's stone shoulder fractured.

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619 Swan Dive

Hydrodynamic or not, she intends to keep the bike with her as long as possible, if only to use it as a shield in front of her to hold off jagged rocks and the stabbing fractured ends of rotten logs.

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