Tron Expansion - 06 - Enemy Ground

Tron - Expansion Chapter 6 (Enemy Ground) A quiet stillness remained across Enigma, a gentle wind and the occasional crash of thunder in the distance. Noah stood on the dock, peering around the tunnel edge that obscured the network trap,...

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Tron Expansion - 02 - Wasteland

Tron - Expansion Chapter 2 (Wasteland) A deep resounding thunder echoed across the turbulent skies, black and silver clouds ripping through one another in a seemingly endless tempest. From the darkness would come flashes of teal lightning,...

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Tron Expansion - 01 - Arrival

TRON - Expansion Chapter 1 (Arrival) Curiosity. It is the drive to seek out all that is new, all that is possible, all that is knowable... The desire to ever expand one's reality and potential. They used to say computers were invented to give...

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.hack//EVOLUTION - 01 - Installation

**.hack//EVOLUTION** Chapter 1 (Installation) _ "It is arrogant for one to reject change because it is undesirable. Rejection of change is the rejection of possibilities." -- Harald Hoerwick --_ The light of an early dawn spread across the...

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VR Kingdoms - Stage 2: Practical exam

The NPC mayor, an an old and hunchbacked gray cat, coughed softly, true to the scritped dialogue that I had experienced each time that I had created a new character. It was Mel's first time, though, and I would see his black cat avatar listen with...

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Jected - Part 1

"Download Complete" blinked in front of Honey's field of vision. The T.V. in the living room he could hear clear as day. He walked over, hooves clapping on the hardwood floor, and knelt down in front of the flat-screen television. Playing on the...

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After Death - Chapter 04 - Real Virtual Dreams

It's like i said, it's just a virtual space. it was meant for me to use with felicia, kind of a way to escape it all and just hang out with her once her personality was installed."

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Companions Chapter 14: The Reception

Now was as good a time as any, since i didn't think i could manage both a virtual cake and a virtual sound system, simultaneously.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - V is for Virtual Reality

It contains rough m/m sex between consenting adults, size difference and technology-aided lewdness in abundance. :3 **v is for virtual reality** shakal had been so eager to try out the tech division's full feedback virtual reality rig for so long

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Virtually Real Notes: Shadow Runner Organization Rules

#25 of virtually real the basic rules the characters follow. virtually real notes shadow runners organization rules 0. rule zero: this rule can only be accessed by the shadow runner core members.

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Walls: Exodus 4 - Shield of Sophos

Volkov nodded, "some people generate new id's every time they enter the virtual world, with the downside that absolutely no one can trust your identity, real or virtual."

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 Epilogue

#27 of virtual friendship virtual friendship is the latest in the future orr stories, centering around trevor orr and some of his close friends within his cocky bastard guild in the lands of farr. and after a long time, someone wakes up.

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