Jected - Part 1
* * * \*ject: 3d image projected directly into the mind of an individual. the ject becomes the individuals' new reality until they choose to disconnect from the 3d jecter program.
Jected - Part 2
#2 of jected the second part to my story called jected. from what you know so far, it is set in a post-apocalyptic futuristic world where people are able to place themselves into virtual environments called a ject.
Ardring - Chapter 5
His ears rang from the blow he'd gotten, but he made out a couple words. "...test...ject...unknown....power...caution...begin." test...? right, guile had spoken about tests. they were going to do tests on him. ject? that could be one of many things.
Family Matters (long Rocket fanfic)
"not sub-ject papa zero eight. sub-ject papa old pain. sub-ject rok-ket new pain." he looked from rocket to lylla once more. "who hurt sub-ject rok-ket?"
Change of Body-Pt2
Shhhooow, yosh must be a tesht sub-ject! eglan, eglan'sh my name! shhow i hear yosh want to know what yosh are doing here, yesh?" "er, yes i suppose, not that i want to take up your time if you're busy, eglan." "it'sh noooo problem!
Jected - Part 3
During one of his interactions in a particular ject, he met this one anthro, an older burly equine he eventually grew very fond of. they spent a lot of time together, watching movies, traveling the world, having fun, all within the virtual reality.
A Tentative Night
I ject. i wanted to laugh, he made a fine entrance. "i don't wann'a wait!" he finally let go of me, and slowed his pace down. i'm a little upset when he does, it was fun being dragged around by him.
Dark Mood (semi-final)
Re-jected! _no t.v.! no computer! no video games! no motherfuckin'_ nothing_!_ _ "have fun in your room," my father snickered, then went into his room. probably to watch porn. feh . . .
Scavenger Part 1 (Commission for Giza)
The -ject -as arri-. the sub- has-" the robot continued saying, but its voice became distorted and broken. stormy beat her fist on the glass one more time, before slowly turning her head, breathing heavily and terrified of what was happening.
A Renegade Reborn - 12 - Cowboy
"bless his heart, that tare re-ject has th' soul of an angel." "the fuck are you from, anyway?" "tennesee. i'm one of you blanks, from what i consider the _real earth_.
Erika - Out of Nothing
The third character was a lot more forboding, he wore black, all around his body, he had dark sun-glasses on and hardly no skin showing, apart from his face, his hair was ject black and he wore a black trenchcoat with a gold insignia embroided on it, an bird