Wreck of the Generation

"leaving just one last night of escapades aboard this ship's maiden voyage." then he left us, saying one last word to a few people in the lounge before heading out who seemed worried.

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 10: Moving Day, Time to Take Out the Trash

She watches as the blazing fire seems to erupt in a storm of sparks as the metal shell of the maiden's voyage collapses in on itself.

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 7 The Kilape and the Second

Nodding, jim pulls out his mirrored shades and triggers the communicator as he puts them on, "maiden's voyage, this is ward."

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Silver Lining (Chapter 6)

At this rate it ain't likely the last time this voyage. it's stressful shit, and it ain't easy for anyone, but you don't 'gotta deal with it alone. got it?"

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There was little conversation between the two voyagers during the long haul. around midday, the duo had stopped near a small clearing to rest. tom set his gear down, sighing in relief. he removed his helmet and the upper part of his armor.

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A Brief Explaination

"and thats your story why the house is a mess, and your all wet, and not wanting to have yiff with me right now, not even after my long voyage?" ".....yep.....well....maybe a little." "...mrs. prude strikes again...."

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Bottle Episode

**Bottle Episode** By: Dankedonuts [https://dankedonuts.sofurry.com/](https://dankedonuts.sofurry.com/) "Personal Log, Engineer Krelor. Stardate 52985.7. The _Rising Sun_ is on route to Bajor's wormhole and the Gamma Quadrant. One of...

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 32

"dad will probably take us into a transpacific voyage on a ship as our final resort, literally." i muttered. kouya chuckled, "come on, let's go." he said. kouya helped me with the suitcase and walk downstairs to the lobby reception.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 2.1: The Black Beacon

Brownell also couldn't escape the joy of such an ideal voyage.

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Interrogation with a Twist (part 1)

One by one these unfortunate souls sat up, standing for the first time after their long voyage across the channel and made their way up to the plank, where their belongings were shoved into them and they were given a push, stumbling down the plank and onto

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Wechselwirkung - Teil 4 - Samstag

Er fühlte sich wie die voyager in ‚ein jahr hölle'. eben noch war der raum (sein geist) umstritten, die kremin (zweifel) feindlich, jedoch klein und keine bedrohung.

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The Voyages of the Rebellious Bastion, Chapter IV

#4 of voyages of the rebellious bastion the story of the crew of the rebellious bastion continues. "what's her problem?" anicha could be heard asking moments later, laying within the arms of the captain as he sipped at cold green tea.

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