From a World Long Forgotten

In the split-second that he had to think about it, caius tried to remember his high school class on theoretical first contact procedures with an entirely new alien race. he nodded warmly, trying his hardest for his smile to seem genuine.

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Drift - 01 - Dog Days

This wasn't just meeting an alien race, this would be setting foot on an alien planet for the first time. with that in mind, dustin ran a hand over his short blond hair before he started to descend.

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Smuggling Parasites, Chapter 2

Maybe there's a hot alien race there for you to romance." memories flashing back to the previous night i can't help but feel a surge of warmth in my lower belly. well, something found me to romance.

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Dragon's Gate Chapter I

Mankind was prepared at least theoretically for encountering alien races once they colonised space, and endless speculation had preceded the event.

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Past Sins

He was just a refugee from an extinct alien race. that did not mean though, that he was happy with miyu or krystal coming along. he didn't want either woman stepping within a thousand meters of a necromorphs.

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (Ch 01 - 02)

It had been speculated by some that the rogue colony had been supported by some unknown alien race and technology, however there had been no hard evidence to support the theory.

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Spiral nebula - Chapter 16

It can possibly be the alien's race, so we can return him to his own people." "hopefully," said yukiomaru. "it seems to be a dangerous thing to ferry any member of any race around with us. anyway, i want to speak with jun fa.

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Burying the Bone

New little thoughts exploded inside of martin's mind, the words that bart had spoken rang true as the desires of their race... the alien's race grew inside of the human's mind.

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Chapter III

And since you are technically the representative of an alien race you should not be in an interrogation cell. bill explained taking his hand away from his right ear. "alright then." alexander said pressing a button on his wrist and closing the video.

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Transmission Lost - Dramatis Personae

**seirin-143** species: pteryd sex: none (biologically female) homeworld: pteryys rank/title: envoy age: 5 seirin-143 is an envoy of the pteryd combine, the insectoid alien race that has been the enemy of the ascendancy for thousands of years.

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Standing Divided: Prologue

The governor of earth, gerard leonard, asked the u.n.s. if they could send the refugees to space colonies where they could change the atmosphere to suit the diverse alien races they were receiving.

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