Both kits looked at each other, then at their father, and burst into laughter. \<"nooo daddy"\> they both replied, hugging their father. blacktail smiled at his kits honesty.
Kael and Jacob the day after
Jacob and liz looked at each other, grinned, and then ran into the closet. they came back out with a bag of stuff and ran into the basement.
Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 4
They looked at each other. "weird..." they sat down on the roof and stretched out. "well," luna said with a sigh. "whatever they're planning for christmas..." "it'd better be worth it..." silver finished.
Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 3
Firus and sayuri looked at each other, while kanto just continued to watch hatako as she started to groom her fur with her restless paws.
The Park
They walked past a young couple kissing and couldn't help but look at each other with meaningful glances. they smiled and devon reached over and took bobs hand in his. they walked down the path like this, occasionally looking at each other and smiling.
The Life of a Pet
I fell off yelping, causing the hunters to look at each other in confusion. as i fell i shifted into an armadillo as a on-the-spot reaction.
Vixens chapter 1: The Lovers and the Fighters
Now what to do with you" alex and snow looked at each other and took a deep breath. paw in paw side by side they stood their ground, ready for him.
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 4: The First Thing About Being A Trainer....
Both lucario and lucas looked at each other, confused. before lucas had the chance, professor rowan said, "yes, lucario. this spire generates the power i need for my research here." ............... (lucario's pov) how did he know what i was saying?!
"Wave, We need to Talk"
Wave, grabbed her face, and tilted it up so they were looking at each other in the eye. "i love you too." "b-but-" wave stopped her there, "no no no... after everything we've been through: i. love. you!
On His Mane's Secret Service - #10
They sat in silence for a while then, just looking at each other. finally ra'jirra reached down and began to pet her fiance. he purred in response and climbed onto her lap, then stretched up to touch her lips with his own, lightly. "well.
4: Two Thumbs Up?
Arret and rael both sat up and looked at each other proclaiming in stereo, "alter?!" they knew the skunk looked familiar, and now they knew why.
Chapter 4 - Useful Insight
They looked at each other, he handed her an object and then he left, and she close the door. there were no words exchanged, no body language, nothing.