Don't know me ch2

Is it still night time i wondered. at first i tried to move to explore the dark room but realized that i was lying down and something was on top of me. i looked down on to my chest see a dark furry mass on my chest.

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Twokinds Revolution Intro/Chapter 1

night time is when the depression usually set in for him. all he could think about at night was how no one accepted him. wanted dead by his own people for something he didn't do...

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Nightly Invader

Squeezing between mike's thighs, it pressed up under his ballsac, seeping up around it to twine around his night-time erection. mike inhaled quickly, jostled awake by an unknown tickling from his nethers.

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The Journal | Entry #6 [Comm]

Daddy would tuck me into bed, all diapered up and wearing my sleeper, booties, mittens, a night time pacifier and speakers in my ears.

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Kidnapped Dream

At first she thought it was a night time sky full of clouds, except the clouds were all suspiciously square. they were also various shades..... and then reality hit with the jolt of a cold sweat.


30 Minutes Or It's Free...

As they both began to drift off into a night time slumber, she whispered into his ear, "best tip i ever got...." ......and done. so yeah, this is the first story i have ever finshed.

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Best Friend

I pulled up at sarah's house at 8:00 a.m., she said it would be best if we left early to get there before night time. i walked up to her porch but before i could knock on the door she opened it and stepped out.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter One

"it's almost night time, and it's on the house," he insisted. "fine," i caved. later that night... "i'm sorry. no one from another realm came here today." "kdsdsa;lkfjdskjghfdkjv" ("are you sure?") "yes. i am sure."

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Troubling News (Ch. 2)

I will send out a messenger to lord braam immediately, and we will meet in his homeland, vask prepare yourself and some of the guard, we ride in two night's time."

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Corruption: The draenei and the Lion - Part 1

He figured aldoon would of been done by now, it is night time. the large dark gray draenei trotted down the stairs to the front door. he looked at it, the anxiety immediately taking over. "he... he is alright isn't he?" _valuur!

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 15

Biting winds blew in the night times, sweeping in from the western seaboard. the storms that built so huge and terrible in the strait of eyes sometimes swept into the hills, and enormous cyclones sometimes touched down here.

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A griffon's petting

It was the night-time chime, to alert the crew of the ship that the hallway lights would be dimming shortly and that the evening-crew were relieved of their duties.

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