Ice Fishing with Nick

"I still don't know why you have to go ice fishing in December," Jessica moaned as she handed her husband a lunchbox, packed with a few sandwiches and some mince pies. "Oh Rudy needs a break, things with him and Donna haven't been going smoothly, and...

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Camping on the Run

Camping, it's always had a sort of special place in my heart. When I was young my parents forced me into the beaver scouts, they said I'd make friends and have fun. They were right too, it was great for a young horse, running about outside and playing...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 20

_Option B finally get some sleep, I think Zack will thank you for letting him lay down before he passed out._ The rabbit thought about going to find his sexy red panda, he wanted to talk about his raid and find out what happened to Qerry. He wondered...

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His brother's rifle

"Hey, wake up sleepy head, you're sleeping your life away!" Daniel's golden eyes opened lazily as he sat up from the stack of hay he had fallen asleep in. The coyote's morning chores had started and ended at cleaning the stables, but with just two...

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My human companion

Humans, you're nothing really but bald apes. Ha! partially bald you couldn't even get that right. I mean seriously at what point did evolution decide to drop all your hair except that stupid little patch on top? Still you ain't that bad, I mean as...

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Nothing but the run

Five-thirty am, I can hear the questions in your voice and yes it's early. It's stupidly early, the sun is only just waking up after all, so why am I up this early on a beautiful spring morning? Well the answer is simple, unlike my life, it's time for...

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The guilt of the run

Guilt, I'd expected to feel it more after what I did, it was supposed to have been eating me alive preying on my mind every moment. After all, I hadn't just cheated on my wife, broken my wedding vows, I'd cheated on my daughter and my son. I was the...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 17

_Option B taking the cargo hold, though option A and the bridge was a close second_ The rabbit gulped as he realised in just an hour he was going to become a criminal, "err...the cargo hold, I guess." Deju gave him a broad smile, "ah looking to do...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 15

_Option B :Staying together but with an open relationship-wow 45 votes that is just really amazing thanks for the support guys._ _ _ The bunny sat down in the gunner chair, feeling the wolf's cum leaking out and staining the seat. Zack looked at the...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 16

_Option 1 report Paul 33_ _Option A don't have sex 21 (and people say furs are all about the porn)_ Zack gasped as the cheetah squeezed his swelling bulge tighter. The feline licked his lips and looked up with hopeful eyes. The rabbit's body was...

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Late submission

Lack of planning, that was his problem, mused the shivering rabbit, Toby, as he stumbled through the rain. If he'd planned ahead he wouldn't have gone out the previous night and gotten so drunk he slept through his alarm. If he had thought ahead he...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 18

_Option B take the german Sheppard brothers up on their offer_ _I note that although this option won a lot of people wanted Kelo and Reese, I have therefore decided that I will write it so that Kelo and Reese are not upset or offended by the choice...

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