Under the Macro Dragon's Foot
"you think you can amuse me, do you, micro?" "y-yes..."
The Day After (Vore Story)
The place he was steadily heading towards over time, the throat hungrily quivering for the chance it got any little bit of the micro to gulp down.
Small to the smaller
He tried to shout as the not-so-micro horse approached the counter, but he was overwhelmed by the new perspective. the horse he once knew as a micro, was now bigger than any macro he had ever seen in his life.
He says a bit confused as he raises his foot above a micro ninetails. she raises her paws up and begins to beg. i quickly rush over and shove him onto the couch before i quickly pick up the ninetails. "micros are people too!"
Birthday Gift from Saatchi, Hidasan, and Gadget
Living in his little micro colony there didn't come much smaller than him, but it was an universal law that there was always someone bigger out there. for hida, this came in the form of the micros that inhabited the walls of the upstairs rooms.
Bug Report
I'm excited to micro it away." "ye, yeah? let's go then." jack said, pulling the micro kit up. "why don't you jump on the bed and i'll hook this in." "so, how does it work again?"
Failed Escape
Jet heard that micros sometimes were more obedient after getting up close and personal with their masters. ... it was worth a shot right?
A Supreme Vulpine Obsession
The bear turned on his heel, and micro-watt was left standing there in a puddle of his own sweat.
Microfiction Compilation 2023-01
[#male](#male) [#pokemon](#pokemon) [#micro](#micro) [#noncon](#noncon)
A Cute Fragment
micro-missiles that can be fired from a shotgun are fictional, however, (afaik.) but you can get grenades for them!_ "these micro-missiles fire from an aa12 on full automatic with no modifications," said the engineer.
Sweet Treats
The micros had been spending the night watching the giants who owned the house they resided in. they were certainly strange, but this day was even stranger.
Fast Food
Abigail turned to the three micros seated at the tables and subtly licked her chops. the micros sitting at the table were all students.