Hentai the Cold

Hentai, the Cold Chapter Five A Kit Tribute Kit woke in the mid day. He could barely remember what happened in the morning. Little bits and fragments returns to his memories, most of them being with Rune who kept insisting that everything is...

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Devil's Goodbye

Devil's Goodbye. by Sharpfang Alternate ending to "Sympathy for the Devil" by Klisoura The original story, Yiffstar's "recommended reading" can be found here: ...

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Abduction | Prisoner part 1

When you live in a world filled with wizards, dragons, magic, and mystical entities, you'd think that Mika had seen it all. She herself was a dragon, after all. But nothing could have prepared her for what happened that day, as she trekked through the...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen "On The Hunt" By Furry Sith Lord "Did you and your dad play one on one today?" Father asked as he entered my room and sat on my bed. "No sir." I replied weakly and felt...

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Burden of Beasts

This might become a series. I'm not sure yet. * * * They were out in the woods, well away from the rest of the farm, and hopefully away from prying eyes, though part of the thrill came in not in being discovered or watched in secrete. Star was an...

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Welcome to the Society: Hope & Doubt

**\*\*As always, constructive criticism is encouraged. Hope you guys enjoy the piece.\*\*** Soft, golden light shimmered into the room from within the small glass chambers of the hourglass. She had seen these kinds of contraptions before, but this...

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A Room with a Moose!

It looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months and it also looks like it was just stuck into the cage randomly so that the captive furs have a place to do business that isn't the floor or the urine stained floor drain.

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Unthinkable Fear

I woke up with a sharp pain racing through my head. _Did I hit my head against something night?_ I rolled over onto my belly and stretched my arms out. I whined softly as I reached one of my paws up and pressed it gently up against the source of the...

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Twelve

I would be lucky to even _be_ fed whilst i was held captive. i eventually stopped looking over the room and tried to relax, though my body was already limp and weak, leaving just my mind which was still racing from what was happening to me.

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How should I know? Chapter 14: Will you tell me?

Author's Chapter Notes: Lets find out moar about the woman in the strange suit... How should I know? Chapter 14: Will you tell me? FERALI's POV I felt my hand fall to my side then began stinging in pain. I look down at to only see that...

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Brother's Quest - Chapter Five: Unusual Behaviors

Disclaimer Thingy: Yeah, so... this isn't like the other chapters. If you don't like dragons or otters leave. If you don't like to see guys just talking, don't read this. For those who didn't understand yet, this chapter has no yiff (also) ;3 ...

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Slave pacification (3)

The captive canine seemed to have no interest in the food when she left, but from her she could already see him sniffing.

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