A glimpse of...

The red panda characterized me with a small smile. i could argue with that, since i wasn't 'tubby' or anything. anyway, who cares? "it's called manul." i said while getting up from the cold wooden floor under me. "ah, yes.

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Kapitel 1: Ein neuer Anfang

Ich werde bald ein paar neue charactere vorstellen. ich musste das hier nur schnell raushauen, weil meine muse mir damit in gesicht schlug, ernsthaft. lol die nächsten kapitel werden nicht so wütend und gewaltvoll sein.

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The Reaches of a Dream: First Steps Towards the Light

Her nose picked up a strange aroma, which she was unable to characterize. in her tongue was a lightly bitter taste, which somehow translated that smell. her ears picked nothing; wherever she was, an eerie, heavy and painful silence prevailed.

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Goddess From The Macine

"the advance of technology is characterized by increased communication, increased integration. the logical extension of this trend is that all technology will become one, all-encompassing network, which acquires, evaluates and stores all information.

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Princess and the Dragon 3

I'm so sorry , it's just... ha..." she stopped as she took her breath "i was just imagining our wedding, how would the priest react, how would the elderly ladies faint 'oh the princess is marrying a beast'" she characterized "and gods... hahahaha....

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Ralph was the perpetually overweight half-nerd whose gut had none of the muscle that characterized those of the other two.

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The Dragon's Apprentice: Chapter 4

I also knew full well that just because his sex life was destined to be characterized by unfulfilled need and an eternally primed libido didn't mean that i was likewise going to subject myself to the same eternal blue balls my boy was fated to grapple with

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Disclaimer/Reference Guide

_ ~asp _chocobo:_ a race of mostly flightless birds, characterized by their large feathers that come in an assortment of colors, though more so in yellow, distinct odor, that i think smells strongly of cherries and vanilla, and the unforgettable chirp, "kweh

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Dealing With Wolves

To the same extent is that she has previously lubricated the toy with enough dedication and mastery that characterizes the fetish huntress as always.

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Not So Retired Any More XXIII

She was a small, round, fluffy chinchilla woman with tiny little glasses she was using to read over a clipboard, and she moved with a motion that could best be characterized as 'buttling'.

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All's Fair - Part 15

Michael occasionally made a comment, and whoever responded would do so naturally enough, but the easy give-and-take that used to characterize the meal had been conspicuously absent for the last couple of weeks. i could think of a couple reasons.

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Feral Heart - Day 2

His chest on the other hand was now characterized mostly by the layer of hair covering it. admittedly, marco thought it accentuated his pectorals well.

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