
With krystal's help star wolf ambushed the convoy and absconded with the prototype, which only she was capable of flying due to the psy-link interface that controlled both the ship and its experimental drive.

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Embrace of the Serpent Men

Our convoy consisted of 12 men; three of them were killed in the ambush. as i drew my sword i felt a blunt object hit my head and the next thing i knew i was in this cell, a prisoner to the serpent men.

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Wasteland Survivor – The story of Crystal - ch1

"this is truck two of convoy one? over." damn, why couldn't i remember to say that? "um, yeah i guess. you, uh, we... we don't exactly look like we used to, we um, we were changed in the event thing. er over."

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After Armageddon Chapter 5

I aim at the start of the enemy convoy and i open fire. the enemy having no cover falls quickly. i slowly pan the entire enemy convoy with my machine gun never lifting my claws from the trigger. i thin the number of hostile humans out significantly.


Superiority Chapter 13

The transport convoy rolled into a secure building at the gates of the palace. there was a loud hissing, as the air lock closed behind them.

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 3

Everyone worked fast so that the other half of the convoy that was headed to marlton could get moving once again. the wagon shifted as doren dismounted from it, the wet slush splattering as he landed hard on the ground.

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A pleasant smile formed as she watched the convoy of vehicles drive towards her -- excited to meet new people. \* \* \* advancing on the the landing site, a convoy of support vehicles -- loaders, trucks, tankers -- scrambled across uneven ground.

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Buying the Farm 4 - Competing Offers

The tigress tried to keep her cool as she saw the convoy coming, but with the demon dragon still silent and no plan forming in her own mind they were quickly running out of time.

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Drone to Drone (2/3)

When they got into the city proper all of those captured from the convoy looked out of their windows in awe.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 1: New Day

From there we managed to rescue a small military and civilian convoy headed to the bastion that was under significant attack. i still hadn't told them that all intel pointed at it being overrun just a few hours previously.

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The Front Line (Warhammer 40k)

Thankfully dianos brought me some food from the canteen; tomato soup was the only thing on offer since our last two resupply convoys never arrived, but it's fucking warming on nights like these.

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