A Desert(ed) Story Part 2 - Searching for a Friend

Virgil followed the rockets movements, and made signs that his company was unwanted. he growled deeply, as the rocket didn't slow his movements. he stood up, rising to his full hight, trying to scare the rocket away.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mahogany Gym and Team Rocket Takeover

I replied, "team rocket have taken over?" the director balked in shock before speaking, "team rocket have taken over have they? please take this card key, that will open the shutters on the third floor. i really hope you can stop team rocket young man."

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 7: Domination (Ending B)

Seconds later, the rocket burst out from the smoke. it rose up into the sky, the sun gleaming off its metal sides. but this rocket was no longer a mere rocket.

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter two

Mainly to just have a place to stay and keep an eye on team rocket. he couldn't make up his mind if he would rather allow team rocket the chance to capture him, or just let them be.

Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lake Of Rage and Team Rocket

At that lance left and his dragonite waved goodbye while i decided to exit the rocket hideout glad that was done. seeing all those pokemon being used for their abilities for the evil of team rocket was rather disgusting.

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MLP: Pyrotechnic Misdemeanour

She saw it coming of course, a big red rocket trailing light and flame was hard to miss, and covering her head in her hooves she dove for the deck. the rocket streaked overhead with a fiery hiss.

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Days Relived

A rumbling began to reverberate through the rocket and into the passengers as the various parts of the rocket began to come to life. lucas thought about how this was about how far his father had gone. the rocket had blown up upon ignition.

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Pokemon: Big Bang Break Episode 1 - Intro the Pokemoprh World

Before team rocket could use the dark azure a battle between team rocket and the pokemon rangers broke out and many of the team rocket members have been arrested for crimes agianst both the pokemon and human race.

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Love's Final Steps

Rope, candles, a blue shell...cyan sighed, watching sadly as rocket bounced around the room. the girl crossed her arms and gently shook her head, unable to do much at the moment. rocket had completely lost it. "rocket..."

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Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and love?

_ _before the "boss" can speak, i said, in a whisper, "do it, i need to be strong, so i can serve team rocket!"

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter one

Team rocket waited until this pokemon was in heat and was tied down for this test. team rocket wanted to see if their little dna pokemon hybrid could mate and produce offspring.

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