Butcher Bear
Prey is willing (and numb to the pain) through it all. four hooves might have been better than two, but tauricly trotting around all day eventually made for all kinds of back pain.
Cohabitation between people of two different size classes isn't easy, but the creatures who make it work rarely have cause to give up on it. One such pair of disparate scale was Cody and Kobalt. Cody was casually working at the inside of his jaws...
Neko EAT'S (Main Course)
Still this is only chapter two, the next one will take quite a bit of time to get to... either way it's done and i'm happy with it.
Rocket Science
Rocket felt sweat trickling through his fur. The interior air ducts of the Lucky 21, Blackjack O'hare's cruiser, were extremely close and stifling. The biologically enhanced raccoon swore under his breath as he crawled, his holomap bracer display...
[Commission] Depths of the Forest
You rub it downward, knowing that this pull will be enough to tell her. that this sign of affection will express how urgent your desire is. no words are shared between the two of you.
Vore Club 1: The Auction
It's pretty obvious what he is packing, another word of warning, if i catch any of you putting these in regular hot dog buns, i will fly to your house and backhand you."
Kirin Dinner
And this new kirin creature is quite a willing meal. basically one of my oc's getting eaten by pharynx, a changeling i love so much in the show.
Two Buddies Budding Interest
Summary: after an offhand comment by her partner yooka, laylee decides to try a fun activity that will serve both to entertain them and to remind the chameleon which of the two are in control.
Another Dip [Patron Reward]
**Another Dip** **By Limewah Patron Reward for Moggers (September 2023) Featuring characters owned by the Pokémon company** That Victreebel's enzymes had ended up a blessing in disguise. Once it gave up on trying to digest her and spat...
Willing Submission... A gift freely given... to a special friend...
"remember stally boy you will only be leaving this chat anything other than intact if you ask for it." "oh sure... i understand."
Released... Charn finds a surprisingly willing stud to play with...
"and more than willing to share it out!" he leers thinking about sharing his big thick cock with the tiger's tight tiny asshole. as his breath quickens with arousal while his nipples as sexily nibbled.
Like that, there could be no escaping, not without her will, as her muscles held her entrance closed with help from her glittering scales.