The Sins Of The Fathers
He is encouraging underling rivalries between us monster minds because it is keeping him on his guard" jal, who is now totally confused asks, "but why that deception behind your disappearance?"
Mistaken Identity
The burgers tumbled through the gate of her teeth under their own weight, wrapper and all, where they spilled across her deceptively dexterous tongue.
Getting Out In Nature
The southern half of deception pass isn't even that big, you walk long enough you'll either fall into the sound or hit a road. i've been here lots of times. trust me--you go off the trails, it's worth it."
Beware of Cougars!!
Sky is a sphinx cat around 5'4" 120 pounds dripping wet yet he is still deceptively strong. all of these cats combined with three others are known as the fighting force seven of the operaisari assassins guild.
The War (Rough draft)
#1 of the war any criticism would be helpful :-) -------------------------------------------------------------- _all warfare is based on deception._ _- sun tzu_ **the war** --------------------------------------------------------------- a single
Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 13
"i got it...this artifact is called the ceptar of deception." kyle says.buch chuckles a bit. "try sayin that 5 times fast." buch says.kyle clears his throat.
Tales of Cascadia:Chapter Two~Calm before the storm
Invoices passed out to all captains coming in going from the harbor, such a warm and welcoming day outside his open cabin window, a peaceful blue jewel out one direction and the smells and sounds of a busy and prospering city just a view away out the other, so deceptive
The Tarleton Brood
Cruel, vindictive, and capable of no small amount of deception, leopold is very much his father's son. most importantly he is also completely loyal to his father.
Dragons Lair pt 11
His wingspan is deceptively large." myra stepped out of the way and allowed michael space. he ran a few steps and jumped while opening his wings. michael, although only being a foot taller than myra, had approximately 4 ft more than her in wingspan.
Hood and Boots
Sunlight dappled along the lazily flowing river, creating a deceptively peaceful atmosphere.
Behold (Kreet 28)
And i will do this with no lies or deceptions. only truth. the truth shall set you free. free of your misplaced affection for these fellow creatures you brought in with you. i will show you reality. only then will i take over your tiny brains.
-Future Chapter WIP-
I confess that there was no deception then. i did intend to train you in the art of magic. but...the end goal i had intended for you was...unambiguously selfish. i took you as my mold you into my successor."