Summoned. The Blood-Render's Birth
~Fourteen Years Ago~ Once a quiet, peaceful forest, tranquil and majestic, was being littered with fire and death. The battle between the kingdom of Kevanim and the wild lands of Yorgan near their borders had finally boiled over from a few...
My paw danced between my legs so close, the only thing kept me straight is his shoulder, we enter into the middle of living room, and he dislodges me steadying me on my both feet.
Tina II Chapter 20 SPOILER ALERT!!!
Tina sat up straight, crossing her legs, indian-style, turning toward ray as she did. "what will it mean, ray?" she asked, looking into his eyes. ray gave tina a hug. "well, it depends a lot on us. financially, we're well set.
The Knight And The Harem Slave Part 1
The Knight and the Harem Slave Part 1 By Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask A dream! That's what it had to be, a dream, Mark told himself. He wasn't struggling to stand up in the middle of a forest in a suit of armor with no idea of...
The Sleepover - Thomas' Story
I know it's been a while since i uploaded anything cub/straight, so here i go! hope you guys enjoy! this is from the pov of one of my characters, thomas oliver, 42 year old fox.
Splash Into the Shadows
After 2 minutes of straight laughing, his eyes are watery from all the crying. he holds his gut a bit feeling like he got a cramp. he pants and then calms down a bit as the movie progresses.
Encounter In The Woods Part 1
Encounter In The Woods Part 1 By Charles E. Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask []( The sounds of leaves crunching underfoot and the angry chittering of squirrels as he...
Truth or Fuck
~~This is the first smut story I've ever written. I hope you enjoy!~~ \*\* If you have not played the Fable game series for Xbox 360, the very beginning of this story may not make much sense to you. If you have an Xbox 360, I encourage you to play...
Kinktober Day 3: Bukkake
**Day 3: Bukkake** _"C'mon guys," I whimpered, rubbing my thighs as I looked around the room. Men (and some women) of all sizes, shapes and breeds filled the room. Dicks jutted out in front of them, being stroked by hands as they worked...
Star-Crossed Mother
With every harsh groan, mom can feel her stomach convulse and contract, shooting aggressive waves of pleasure and euphoric bliss straight to her head. her pussy throbs with every contraction in her stomach, making her clit throb harsher.
Her figure is hugged tightly by her black and red split-color spandex harlequin bodysuit, complete with her jestress' hat, adorned with two tails that end in white pom-poms at jaw's length. With a hand on her curvaceous hip, she watches as her beloved...
The Monster Lies Chapter 5
She could tell he was rock hard, and to further tease her brother, skanita jumped straight to the mating bits, sharing her passions in the most enticing way words could conjure.