The Royal Apples - Part XII
Eye pledge m'eye loyalty, m'eye strength and m'eye valor, two defendink this land, this people, and this nation." "better.
Zendao Bios (unfinished novel idea)
However, he doesn't yet realize just how treacherous and weak-willed his employers, or how influential his mark, can be, and once he does so, there is little telling how his honor and loyalty would be affected.
Chapter 12: Epiphany
_'loyalty, honesty, and patience. loyalty to me, honesty to yourself, and the patience to wait until we're both ready. this is what i want from you, sonic.'_ a tear crept from sonic's eye, and he wiped it away when nobody was looking.
The Major Households of Tarsis
." - count victor conkin - oversees ambley & east river valley **house venden:**"everlasting loyalty." - count miken venden - oversees sutmere & west river valley **house sigurd:**"northern fury." - general robert sigurd - oversees fort white, whitehearth
poetry to motivate
Things so very real they fall into your paw. you sculpt and mold to likings of you. you have made an image for your self, an image that i hope to hell you reveal to the world, uncloaking the truths behind those falsehoods. a very beautiful sculpture one of loyalty
Welcome To Equestria
._ _however, if you do happen to stumble upon this letter and you indeed have the power to help the two of us, i ask that you do and in return we will serve you diligently and with great loyalty with whatever you may need us to do._ _your otherworldly human
Valkyrie Deliverance - Chapter 2 - One's Own Heart
She was popular amongst the men and her position as deputy gave her the power to command loyalty. too much loyalty.
An Endless Voyage: ch:2
I pledge my loyalty to admiral maya and the avenging aces, i vow to defend the starship excalibur, and to follow maya to the ends of the universe." agnes said as she sliced her own left palm. "welcome home."
The Rise of Cadoc Bor
The ruler's son always fought by his side, showing utmost loyalty until he died; it was on that fateful day all beasts would see, a son uphold his father's dark legacy.
Pebble's Lessons
That loyalty was difficult to establish, and it would be a hell of a betrayal if they just bent their knee to someone else.
Through the City
I can when needed, but i am a follower; filled with trust, honesty, and loyalty to my leader. although submissive, i can stand when needed. i can take my own as i see wrong happening. it takes not much to catch my attention.
Battle Oath: For The King
Yours is our loyalty. for battle! for glory! for victory! for you! for the king!