The Mook Maker, Chapter 39: Speak the Word

The unusual captive, in fact, tried the several symbols which he apparently thought told the significance and when it didn't spark the reaction he hoped from, he stopped.

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The Beginning

The haori is any color the general-captain want but they must have your symbols on it. my symbol is 12 swords with the tip all touching making a circle.

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Chapter 6: The Funeral

"what is that symbol you have carved onto the casket kal?" sar'kal gave a grim smile. "that ranulth... that is the guarding eye. it is the symbol of my people.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 41

Flash heart shook his head, "mom gave us these symbols but she doesn't have one of her own so she didn't know how to show us." "wait... how could she give you chest symbols without one of her own?

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 50 FINALE

He touched his chest symbol, as did forest friend.

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The Care Bears Regression Fair

A bright flash and peaceful heart's symbol appeared: a heart shaped peace symbol. peaceful heart smiled, tried to take a step then fell on her face again. she sighed sadly as cozy helped her up, "if i can figure out how to walk, and hold things."

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New Earth Chap 5 - Descent Into Chaos

The stone in the ox's hands then glowed a deep red, and at two red symbols appeared on each of his curved horns. uzanti recognized them as the symbols of the ox and earth. resa had made a sketch of the symbols for him, and he had seen it earlier.

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Iron Epilogue

As they each grab a green crystal, the symbol on the floor begins to glow the same sinister green, the two cursed items leave their hands and explode over the symbol which unleashes loud wailing like a group of banshees, the two ready their weapons and step

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 1

Joyful heart was a lime green liger with black stripes and a lime green lion's tuft on the end of her tail whose tummy symbol was rainbow-colored fireworks on a pink heart background.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 42

Maximilian knelt next to him and studied the symbols. "this one looks a little like the one for running, but i might be assuming that because he could run fast." he ran a finger over them, then pressed the flesh.

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Symbiosis Chapter 5

'that counts' was all she heard in her mind, before she lunged forward, her jaws clamping around the symbol of irori and the healer's hand as she bit down.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 17

"alright, so what do i do to get a symbol like that?" "just hold still," brave heart's tummy symbol glowed and fired off a replica made of light that circled around zippy before it settled on his tummy feathers.

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