Upgrading the Connection
After taking a second to get himself situated nathan walked into the store and looked at some of the swimwear that was near the front, and as he ran a hand down a scuba suit he could already see the lizard man that was behind the counter start to come
Seeds Of Life 3 - Something Out There
Coenne's eyes narrowed and shi dragged a blunted claw meaningfully across a sheath as big as a scuba tank. "oh, _really_...
MLP: Wars Legacy chapter 1
The neural interface suit (or nis) was similar to a thermal suit for scuba divers, it was the skin tight suit you put on before wearing the actual tank and equipment, or in this case a 12 ton 15 ft tall war machine.
Cyber Drive
"without a scuba suit i might add," mikiko states when they hear an explosion coming from the parking lot, "what was that?" "trouble," kodyax states and as he holds up his hand cannon and goes across the bridge.
The Girl in the Crystal Blue Water
"i would need scuba gear for anything longer than a minute or two." "yes you are limited in that respect how sad for you." my curiosity was getting the better of me. "you speak very well. how is that possible?"
Aquarium Quandary Chapter 1
Anne laughed as she realised that marc have used some of the scuba equipment they had in the storage cupboard, the thought giving her and idea.
A Labour of Love
Drake held his nose with one hand, and made the scuba 'ok' sign. livera laughed, and picked him up. "no, no, that's not how it goes."
Zoootopia: First Salvo Chapter 5
His fellows screaming, barking and growling encouragement as the fox threw on his protective ninja like hood, the fire retardent pants, the jacket, the boots, the cumbersome scot pack scuba unit, the breathing mask, the helmet and the gloves...."boom!"
Runaway Experiment Redux: Part 3 - Relocation
She had long hair that was tied together with a blue band, a long, fluffy tail and an athletic, sexy body that had many of her male (and not a few female) scuba diving and surfing students staring at her as she gave classes by day.
Now of course captain was a great swimmer but unlike what they done off the coast of australia they didn't have scuba gear and captain could hold his breath for about 20 minutes but never longer than that.
He was setting a couple of scuba tanks down near the side of the pool. she was wearing a blue 'shorty' wetsuit sandra had let her borrow. it was a little tight but it would serve to keep her warm during her long periods of submersion.
The Tahitian Experience...
"perhaps...you might like to try scuba-diving?" ruth looked about ready to burst with excitement and shamelessly stroked his now-throbbing erection. "oh...that sounds so hot..." raiyoku replied, "i dunno.