_Elephant Tricks

Erin stretched with a yawn and then proceed to scratch at her ear as she read the bulletin board. This late on a Friday, there was not a lot to do. The bulletin board was, thus, rather sparse. She scanned her eyes over the board again and made up a...

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Silas and the Wolfdog 3

"And this is the good stuff, right?" "Yeah, it's something new my supplier has been working on for a while. Trust me, you're gonna love it." Talking back and forth were Silas and Bruce. The rat was making a deal, selling his latest drugs...

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Son-day Fun Day.

Son-day Fun day. This is the third and final story of my two German Shepherd sons, Kava and Theo. The first two episodes are "Saturday Morning Son-rise" and "Second Son-rise". For back story you can read those. My two boys are classic (feral)...

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Weekend Plans

After the _gene slip_, the now common term for what had happened when a mutated flu virus crossed from anthro to feral dogs, produced an unintended mutation which had led to feral dogs who had been pregnant at the time of infection giving birth to quadruped

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these are my characters and they are who i am as a furry. want to RP with me ask me of one of my characters =D

Abilities: can change from anthro to feral form at will. he has shadow powers meaning he can control the shadows and other forms of darkness.

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Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 05

# Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 05 Autor: Gendori Kabashi 28.10.2012 ? ##### Vorwort Hallo Werter Leser, die nachfolgende Geschichte verdankt ihr der Anfrage von jemandem, der auch dieses mal im Hin­tergrund und anonym bleiben möchte. Johann...

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Nero the Great Dane

**Author's Notes:** This is a work of fiction. Don't try this at home (sweet Mother of Pearl, **don't** try this at home). It starts quite extreme, and then gets more extreme. There's fisting, watersports, bondage, bestiality. None of the...

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City Dogs (Feral, Musk)

Kurt grumbled quietly to himself as he walked out of the pharmacy, squinting his eyes from the hot summer sun above. "Fuckin' good fer' nothin'...." The lizard man muttered to himself under his breath as he fumed through the parking lot back to...

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[CaM] Chapter 1 – Babysitting

It is a anthro series again, following the switch from anthro to feral and back for each series. i hope that you like the setting and the story. if you find any tags missing, please add them.

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Secret in Shadows - Prequel - Rave & Rape

He grinned to himself, realizing that he was able to switch from anthro to feral form. he snuck out the door and into the woods, walking for a few hours before finding himself in someone's backyard.

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Dog fun

"first, i am not from earth; second, i can change from anthro to feral as i wish; third, i know where everyone is going and soon you will be there too; and fourth, yes, i wanted you to have sex with me and i hope that you continue."

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Very Important Lycanthrope - Day 6

Once again Andrew and Luxe found themselves sleeping later than usual, which after the lengthy night they had, it was understandable that they'd both slept in. The two had remained statues long into the night, standing there completely still as the...

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