Servant of the Gods: Chapter 3; Royalty

It was the bound artic wolf that was behind him next to his brother. "how do you know our names?" zhu asked curiously. "iroh? am i to assume that these two are...?" cheng trailed off. "yes. they are." iroh responded. "then does that mean that...?"

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The Great Equalizer (3/3)

Both canines gasped as they saw that in their distracted state nova had taken the artic wolf and shoved him against the wall, their muzzles inches apart with something thick and veiny slithering between the two.

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Parallel Universe Ch 16

He raised his head, showing his artic lupine face, with his right eye changing color into green. "oh, his eye is changing again," albert sighed a little in relief and a little in worriness. "i guess it's already one o'clock."

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Snow Bunny Ch.19

As the artic wolf got off the boy, one wolf pinned one shoulder to the snow as the other grabbed his arm and pulled it straight. moku's eyes shut tightly and waited. he screamed as the blow came fast and hard.

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Hail, the Living Legend - Tale I

Soon enough, the artic wolves of the north would be fighting the foxes of the south for rule of their world.

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All for you chapter 1 The Dream

The devilishly handsome artic wolf asked me. "as good as a bunch of lctures can be." i responded. "so where did you just come from." " i just came form pe." he said giving me a quick muscle flex of his triceps. "what about you."

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chapter one. the lost girl

She glanced at him looking at him hoping her "big brother" of a artic wolf could help her in everyway. "your the only family i know of trigger and i know your the same with me now please explain to me why this keep happening to me?"

Various Eyewitness Accounts.

I'm a six foot... what artic wolf? i guess that's what you'd call them. i'm also known as an ice wolf, or as i call myself, a frost wolf. we don't usually have the ability to command ice, but i'm a lucky one.

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Servant of the Gods: Chapter 4; Thunder

Zheng was taken by his brother's appearance as his brother walked over to them with the older artic wolf. "father! was this necessary? this is way too much..." cheng trailed off.

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Plebe Notes

My dad is black and my mom, who i favor more in appearance, is an artic wolf so to speak. the only bit of my dad in me is my brown skin under all my medium length fur, the absence of padding on my hands and feet, and how my teeth are laid out.

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chapter seven. out and about

"now my pet listen carefully if you want your brother to stay being his artic wolf form instead of some vampire half breed you will not tell him of this" "don't hurt trigger he didn't do anything to you..." she said whimpering.

Snow Bunny Ch.15

The artic wolf began to crawl back until he hit the wall and used that to help him stand. "i should go." derek snarled again, claws flexed. "you are not leaving until you tell me!" "and why would you care!"

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