The Musky Pleasures of a Dragon Roommate
The Musky Pleasures of a Dragon Roommate For Dustafyer7 and Drackonthanri By Draconicon Duster was a gamer cat through and through. When he was in the zone, very few things could pull him out of a game, and that led him...
An Opportunistic Exam
An Opportunistic Exam For Kacacarrotcake By Draconicon The apartment block was not as well-populated as her host remembered, but Ailsa managed to collect two more hosts on her floor that afternoon. It wasn't as much as she had...
Interest for Interest 2
Interest for Interest Part 2 for Guderian and Askir by Draconicon Xander often had to take some time to rest up after going 'hunting' for pleasure, but this was the first time that it had knocked him on his ass quite...
Tales in Taboo: Jenna and Gilly 10
You got grounded for a week for accompanying Bella and her sisters. You've been forbidden to see Jenna or go foraging for that time and since she hasn't come by, you imagine she must have been punished similarly. It hasn't been all bad though. While...
A Pendant Penchant for Pleasure 4
A Pendant Penchant for Pleasure Part 4 for John\_Doe12346 by Draconicon The pleasures of his transformation continued to afflict him as he waited for Kevin to show up. He didn't want to indulge too much, but as his...
Interest for Interest 1
Interest for Interest Part 1 for Askir and Guderian by Draconicon Anyone that knew dragons knew that they had a hunting routine, and Xander was no different to any other dragon in that respect. The eastern dragon,...
Cera - Assurance
**Assurance** Written By: Skabaard Wherever she went, she was followed by the continuous rasp of scales on the ground beneath her, but she had long ago grown used to it. Where her waist met the flare of her broad hips, her body smoothly...
Corporal Rick Hardcocks, Returning to Duty
As the Great Freedom War entered its thirty-second year, a high-velocity tungsten-jacketed bullet passed through Corporal Richard Hiccox's abdomen. At first he had no clue what had happened to him. The sensation was like being punched in the stomach,...
A Snake's Corruption 1: A New Home
A Snake's Corruption Part 1: A New Home For Kacacarrotcake By Draconicon Yana Kuznetsov came from a very different place than this western city. He came from a land of snow, of order, of red and white posters and stern men looking...
Interest for Interest 4
Interest for Interest Part 4 for Guderian and Askir by Draconicon He stumbled as he reached the apartment complex, having to lean against the stairwell that led to the upper floors. Decker groaned, trying to force...
Everlasting Reunion
Edit was done by the awesome enigmawings warning this story contains: fox, bunny, feral snake, m/m, vore, double-penis, !
We view the most obscene splendors
In the meantime, rjalta was squeezing the double-shaft of his male partner's small, wedge-headed cock between the first and second digits of his right hind-paw, while he moaned and mrrred in a fit of pleasure.