Mongoose: Chapter 1

How many times was the council chambers the scene of some crazy villain's evil plan? can't tell me that's boring." "after awhile, it does get a bit repetitive," isabella remarks, a smirk on her face as she calls for another round. "but what about you.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep09

I don't expect you to open your heart to me and start telling me whatever evil plan you and whoever you work under are scheming. because honestly, i've heard it all before," hazard replied apathetically, keeping his guard up.

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Before I Go

It was a sunny day in new mouse city as geronimo stilton had got another scoop for the rodents gazzette, defeated sally ratmousen and simon squealer's evil plans and defeated the daily rat once again with the help of his family, thea, trap and benjamin.

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One Night Stand

This is when it clicked, an evil plan hatched as i decided i was going to have my fun and see if i can ruin his. with little hesitation i reached my paw into his lap and just began to unbutton his jeans.

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The Were-creatures' Curse and Blessing - new ally?

Leo said getting another evil plan. "sure, i'll see you then jerk!" alli said shoving leo's shoulder, then him and harry left. "youre thinking what i think you're thinking, aren't you?" darkey smiled. "what?"

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The Redeem: Chapter 8

Prepare for the evil plan! mua hahahaha! _ [![avatar?user=66294&character=0&clevel=2](

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Spring In My Step: Chapter 19

Unless we could find a way out of here soon, who knows what would happen to her, she would probably be raised to do evil, to do.....whatever evil plans they have made. "collen, snap out of it!" nyanni said giggling.

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A Painful Wake-Up Call

Foiled her evil plan. melissa glared at him, and then reached out to tweak the younger fox's ear. he yipped but didn't move his hands away. standing next to him, she was a good few inches taller.

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The Last Human Part 21

"i know what you really did, when the rulers of our world knew you were wrong about these people, you decided to cook up some evil plan to make them look bad and once our home planet was almost about to be destroyed, they all knew that you lied to your own

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Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet

She never had an evil plan after all because she knew that all evil plans end badly. all she did once in a while was pull pranks. "how did you get that tablet?


The Amazing Antler-Knight

_ "your evil plan ends here, towers!" the deer cries. his shiny suit glistens in the candlelight as he approaches his nemesis. "_au contraire_, antler-knight!" the raccoon retorts from the top of the steps leading to his decadent throne.

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A Pokemon Romance: Chapter 2: A Sister's lesson results: rape

She soon then gets a grand evil plan that will make the king hers for sure. "you are right." clair said as her sister looks towards her. "i will be his type..not just trying to force myself on him." she added once more.

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