The Monsters' Den

If that was what the receptionist thought that ren was 'gentle on first-timers', alex was both curious and afraid to know what he was like with return visitors.

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Chapter 1: Conversion

It was a tense moment: first timers often reacted badly after their first conception, even if they enjoyed the mating very much. but he smiled a warm, loving smile and i felt my heart melt.

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 8 Friendship fics#1 The Lucian brother side

Blaze, canad and snow congratulated us especially equinox for his amazing skills as a first timer. our next stop was hmv to look at electronics and music. i decided to look for games since i already had a nintendo ds and now a wii.

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Mary's School Pt. 2

"that was really good for a first timer." jessi said as she stood up and patted mary on the head. "we'll be late for class if we don't hurry up." with that said mary put on her shirt and walked out towards her class with jessi following.

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Jack Hopps Chapter 4 Part 1 of 4 (A Zootopia Story)

Nicole: not bad for a first timer. jack: ha ha! \ thank you. the busty fox peered through the sun racks that discreetly allowed the couple to mate. jack: thanks for saving me! and will i see you again? nicole: \ of course honey!

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The Item changes

I hear him say how sorry he is, how he loves me, must be a first timer. there all sorry at first. i think this as i break away from my body. i i i wake up in my bed rising slowly, i raise a paw and feel my face as i yawn.

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Otter's Daily Life- Zebra's First Time

Just make it two thrust in and you're already not the worst first timer i've had." luke nodded, a thought in the back of his mind that if he came right now he could take that guy's title.

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Dealing With Wolves

"like said before, for a first timer you did more than good stud."

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Keeping warm in the Winter

He could feel the cat trying to take it all in then trying to restrain himself, as if in some inner battle to seem like a first-timer or a complete slut. these thoughts vanished though as haru came closer and closer to his climax.

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Dance After Dance (necro, snuff, cub)

first timers tended to be flighty, as those powerful instincts for living were still strong. mark at least looked to be quite enthralled by the thought of his hanging.

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Tale 2 - Dezzy's First Trip

There's a first-timer's reception area back towards the back. they'll help get you sorted out. and don't worry, you'll be just fine." the bear smiled, continuing to walk.

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The First Time

first timers get a guide. some of us return over and over. it is fun to guide as well" "oh, you are a customer?" "we are not really customers. no one told you anything about payment did they?" you nod. it was true.

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