Jane's abducted?! (Chapter 3 of part 2 of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)

Jane woke up yawning, getting out of her bed as she went to shower and do other minute tasks. She picked out her day's wear of tight jeans and a t-shirt, sporting a Led Zeppelin logo, as she silently made her way to her bathroom, hearing the aged...

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Jane's first sight of Flame (Chapter 2 of my second Yu-Gi-Oh story)

Flamewarrior woke up, yawning loudly as he gazed down at the green dragoness, smiling warmly at feeling her leathery wing across him as a blanket. He gently moved Therena's wing, causing her to stir and pop open her eyes, smiling at the tiger. He...

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Flame's rising (Chapter 1 of my second story of my Yu-Gi-Oh Series)

He woke up. It had been ten years since he and his comrades had tested two able duelists, but they were now retired or close to retiring, as he was. He sat up and stretched, remembering that dream that was more of a nightmare about that eventful night....

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The Finals and Aftermath (Chapter 10 and final chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)

Jack and Spencer stared at each other for the longest time, surrounded by everyone else who were there for emotional support or had already lost in the finals. Neither one of them had activated their duel disks yet, but seemed to have a telepathic...

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Payback hurts! (Chapter 9 of my YuGiOh series)

Jake sighed as he knew who his next opponent was, Drake, the host of this tournament. The fox shook his head as he looked over at Spencer, praying that they could, at least, duel again at the finals. Looking back at the dragon, he sighed again and...

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Identity Revealed (Chapter 8 of my YuGiOh series)

Everyone had gone back to their own rooms to prepare themselves for whomever they had to duel. Jack decided to change clothes and now wore a fresh pair of black denim jeans with a white wife-beater shirt with the emblem of a black dragon with red eyes...

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A night of romance (Chapter 7 of my YuGiOh series)

Jack, Fran, and Brad made it to the dock at a quarter to midnight, looking around for the pier. Seeing a massive cruiseliner in dock at the said pier, they wondered just why they needed it. They slowly walked up and noticed a few people who were shady...

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Taunted (Chapter 6 of my YuGiOh series)

Jack heard someone ahead of him and looked up from the ground to see a dark silhouette in the setting sun. He strained his eyes in vain to see who it was. Then, he saw the silhouette flare it's massive wings and turn to him, the streetlights buzzing...

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Psychic?! (the chapter 5 in my YuGiOh Series)

_(I thank Vampire Panther for allowing me to use his fursona in my series. You will also note that the falcon is much like Espa Roba from the Battle-City Tournament episodes. However, Espa would be a bit more like a machine and uses machine cards...

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A forgotten foe (Chapter 4 of my YuGiOh series)

Jack woke up with a start and quickly looked at the clock hanging near the kitchen. 9:32 a.m. Swearing under his breath, he quickly dragged his pants and shirt on before grabbing his deck and swiftly editted it. After putting it into his deck box, he...

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Defeat at the hands of shiny Beasts (Chapter 3 of my YuGiOh series)

(Note: Vampire Panther has allowed me to use his fursona in this next chapter. Should I require his fursona in any other chapters, I will consult him on this. And no, his fursona is not going to be in any yiff scene in this series. If he wants his...

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A card player's triumph.

He sighed as he watched others play the card game around him, knowing that they wouldn't challenge him because of how well built his deck was, as well as how well he played mind games with them. In fact, the only ones that did challenge him were either...

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