Silver Tongue (Vore Story)
\*Knock-knock\* This was the third time that you had knocked on your friend Juniper's door, wrapping your arms around your body and trying your best to stay warm as your exhaled breath made puffs of steam in the frigid nighttime air. The two of...
Ask a Glass of Water
It contains massage related goo-play/tf, and... soft vore, kinda? xd **ask a glass of water** _'be prepared for the jump to hyperspace, it's unpleasantly like being drunk'_ 'what's so unpleasant about being drunk?' 'you ask a glass of water.'
An Innocent Question
It contains massage related silliness and transformation/goo play involving consenting adults. :3 **an innocent question** it had seemed like such an innocent question at the time, one that dave asked all first time clients as a matter of course.
All About the Smile
It contains massage related tf/goo-play and relaxing cuteness. **all about the smile** ever since his clay blend massage with theresa, one lingering desire had remained clear in serling's mind.
Steamy Extremes
It contains steamy nudity and the beginnings of transformation/goo-play involving consenting adult males. :3 **steamy extremes** it was hot. it was very, very, _very_ hot.
A New Surprise
It contains bondage, massage related tf and toony goo-play. :3 **a new surprise** i love it when a new client appears at my door. of course, it's rare that i'm their first stop.
Footpaw Friday
It contains massage related transformation and goo-play involving consenting adults, and some paw focused content. :3 **footpaw friday** on the last friday of every month, the spa ran a discount on a particular type of massage.
By Paw and Claw
It contains massage related transformation/goo-play involving consenting adults. :3 **by paw and claw** the spa had hired a handful of new massage therapists in recent weeks, and thus serling had felt as though he practically had no choice but to
A Relaxing Day at Work
It contains transformation/goo-play involving consenting adults. :3 **a relaxing day at work** as serling tapped away at his keyboard, glancing between the two monitors upon his desk while transferring data from one to the other, he couldn't help
Two Tongues
It contains intimate goings on between consenting adults, transformation/goo-play of a sort, and copious amounts of orally related fun. :3 **two tongues** of all the techniques and treatments offered by the spa, there was one that serling had never
Unauthorised Uses
. ^^ this story was written for serling as part of their patreon reward bundle, and contains m/f sex between consenting adults as well as tf/goo-play. :3 **unauthorised uses** working at the spa was a dream come true for anthony.
A Couple's Massage
It contains massage related transformation/goo-play, and f/f sex between consenting adults. :3 **a couple's massage** from the way that mallory had spoken about the spa, francesca had known right from the start that it was special.