MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg
Everypony sat at the table, with washington sitting between the diamond dogs and granny smith, separating them. granny smith started ladling the red soup into the bowls giving everyone a full bowl, including washington.
Tastes like Apples
He said, pointing a hoof at apple bloom's chest, granny smith smiling broadly. "aint' that right, granny?" "yuuuup."
23: Surprise, Part 1
'least granny smith brought out supper earlier for me'n aj." starshadow gave him one more peck on his other cheek before releasing her hold on him.
25: Misconceptions
Ah'm sure granny smith has a remedy to get ya righ' as rain." she turned along with starsong to herd the poor fillies out to the porch where granny smith was no doubt napping in her rocking chair.
A trip to the land where equines rule Chapter 2:Welcome to Ponyville??!!??
When apple jack heard me talking to twilight and nurse redheart she said she wanted to come, big macintosh argued with her, and granny smith just kinda snuck up here on me."
Applejack and the Soldier.
Golden delicious, granny smith, red delicious, and many different types were shining and just waiting to be sold.
The Royal Apples - Part II
granny smith was in the kitchen, making sure the meals were properly prepared and that the cook they'd hired wasn't burning any of her pots.
Chapter 2
granny smith? about back when the apple family first moved in around here? who was the first pony ta move in after y'all?" for some reason, granny smith's mouth moved while a voice up the stairs spoke up in reply.
The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 1
"granny smith has gone through her last zap apple season."
The Royal Apples - Part XIV
The screen door opened and closed behind him and he turned to see granny smith standing on the porch. "how're ya feeling, young 'un?" "about fifty-fifty," he admitted reluctantly. he knew what she would say next.
20: Jealousy
Apple bloom and granny smith were their usual selves, but starshadow too was quieter than usual during dinner, and after everypony was finished with their meals starshadow, big mac, and applejack quickly parted ways, leaving apple bloom and granny smith wondering
Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4
"so, what do you do around here, granny smith?" he asked. "who, me?" she joked with a laugh.