The Donkey Bar
And birth control for intersex males just sucks. most hormonal based birth control doesn't work on us, and most barrier method are shit. condoms are awful as are cervical caps or diaphragms.
Soul Harvesters: Manual
There is a chance for intersex males to be born, as well, but it's a very, very, very slim chance. due to this, homosexual relationships are very common in this world.
Terry's Calves
At 27 years old both of us are still virgins, not wanting to risk public exposure as intersex males. something that will soon change from an unexpected source.
Claude and the Chocolate Horse
He finds it funny that we became friends as intersex males are fairly rare. we've become really close as a result of being able to share our secret with someone who understands.
Just a Kiss
It contains sexual acts between a cis male and an intersex male, both consenting adults, and hypnosis. :3 **just a kiss** two seasons in two days. that was one hell of a binge, and teake and kaz had enjoyed every last minute of it.
An Unquenchable Thirst
. <3 this story contains consenting sexual acts between an intersex male and a herm, and is day #19's entry for kinktober. today's kink is heat, and comes to you thanks to sigma117!
Claude and the Rodent Bar
Most intersex animals don't use plan b because of one bad side effect it has on intersex males. it won't let the fertilized eggs implant which is how it prevents pregnancy.
Two Dads and a Boy - Chapter One
"Xavier! I've got a present for you!" My pointed wolf ears perk up as my friend and roommate, Vermillion, runs over to our bunk bed and jumps giddily as I slowly wake up from my nap. I sit up and yawn, rubbing my eyes before looking over at the...
Hotter by the Dozen
. <3 this story contains orgasmic fun involving an adult intersex male, and is day #8's entry for kinktober. today's kink is oviposition, and comes to you thanks to sigma117!
Cunning Rogue
Some of the other knights might have called it a degrading assignment, but Tristan tried not to think of it that way. He was being tested. If he grumbled and complained about patrolling the outskirts and farmhouses, then his superiors would know he...
Foaled By a Feral Stallion
That he knew his partner dr jonas white had several of us rare intersex males as patients and it was just a matter of finding the right one which turned out to be me.
Bought by the Bitch 4
Tags: i/m, intersex/male, dicks, null bulge, femdom, bondage, anal, sweat, orgasm, cum, feline, dog, dalmatian, superiority play, speciesism,