Kill For Her
They didn't know that his cup was filled with decaf, because the last thing the world needed was jack savage high on a caffeine buzz, and that he had been alert and awake for hours already.
Savage: Part 3
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown agent status: unknown (active) recording continues: _"you think you know the reason i call the two
Honeymoon Part 2: Skye
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown agent status: unknown (active) recording continues: "it is often referred to as 'the honeymoon period
Savage: Part 1
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown agent status: unknown (active) recording continues: _"no, up until that point i had never seen a
Fooling a Fox
He was on a warpath the moment he saw the texts on judy's phone, the many texts from jack savage, asking the other bunny to come over, going on about how much he wanted to see her, and how he could hardly wait any longer.
None other than jack savage smirked back at judy before he opened the door fully. "judy! i'm not gonna ask how you found my place. we both know why you're here, so why don't you just come in?"
New Recuits
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown
Mr. And Mrs. Wilde
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown agent status: unknown (active) recording continues: _"i never asked what happened in the back
Savage: Part 2
"here i was thinking i had caught the great jack savage off guard." "oh, you did," he replied as they started to circle each other, both pairs of eyes following the other as they drew close range weapons.
Where She Belongs (Living Arrangements)
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown agent status: unknown (active) recording continues: _"soft-hearted.
The Mythical Incursion 8 - Concessions
"let me give you a reward," jack savage said. she was so happy when she heard the words. a reward couldn't be further from the truth as jack savage shot his seed on her face. that wasn't the end of it, however.
Foxy Trap
"jack savage does not leave a lady hanging." and so, he continued to pound on nick's tailhole. nick was practically squealing out of pleasure now as his tailhole was ravaged and his prostate pounded into oblivion.