the different

Night buccha was out in the field looking up at the sky as a vex came over "hey buccha weres tsume?"

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100 Aching Would's part 1: Introduction to Insanity

"well, you're currently in the ranger's station, but we have two better questions for you: who are you, and why were you out in the field?" asks jason. "if i tell you, will you keep it secret?" "of cour-" blake starts.

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Science Amongst the Stars

And even though i'm gonna be decked out in the field gear constantly during the trip, you can bet i can still be nervous at the prospect of encountering mosquitoes with who knows what in them. though they're also going to be important all the same.

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Savage City; Final: Pain and Healing

It was afternoon by the time they arrived as judy saw nick out in the field helping with the harvest. she giggled as she noticed him in the blueberry field, "i'm amazed he hasn't eaten all the blueberries."

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Surviving Solitude Part 6

The touch of the bun was warm, kinda like nate's flesh out in the field. as it crunched under my teeth, my tongue was drenched in a buttery goodness. "so where ya'll from?" asked the old goat as he went to join us.

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Chapter 5: Inden's Decision

She had listened to him, sympathetic and understanding, and out in the fields she had given him the purest kiss he would ever taste. he had been bolder back then.

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Vegetables Are Dangerous People

That even though they had vegetables like carrots and green beans being grown out in the fields, they also had marijuana plants covering the majority of their land.

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Marty works constantly, he's in the telecommunications field, so whenever he is not out in the field doing something, he is at his desk on the phone with clients.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 14

When it's finally over, he was going to take benjamin out in the fields and fight crime together, he thought as he cleaned up the pile of paperwork on the table. 'mansa, the chief wants to see you.' adira opened the door and called.

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Tamati: Matka and Tik Tik 1

This kobold has seen a lot of action out in the fields of adventure, but there comes a time when risk and reward becomes too disproportionate, and so, warriors begin to draw their swords for coin rather than for glory, driving carts and making deliveries and

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[c] Ryven and Nick

Truth be told, he was a little anxious now that he was out in the field... but he knew that so long as nick was nearby, anything that happened would be okay.

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Hey, Sis - for Luv4gdub

We liked to hang out in the fields nearby our house. there was always something soothing about the tall grass swaying in the wind. my brother and i had a more intimate relationship than most siblings. we'd always been very close growing up.

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