The Diaper Boys of Droaam: Chapter One

The eldest brother, the passionate and fiery molesh, gave up his hands to a pit fiend of fernia, and was granted terrifying pyromancy.

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Koth of the Hammer

Including myr and golems that where sleeping under ruble and buried underground d with help i reactivated them to help destroy the demons and guard the entrances to the 9 hells so no more demons could come out of the pit and a we started to leave a pit


Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Entry 58

Casually leaning over his shoulder as they rounded a corner, lassie snapped off a shot, bringing the hulking pit fiend that had been lying in wait to pounce to a total stop, before emptying the weapon into its chest and head.

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2 Souls better then 1

Russell smirked, "if we ran into a balor tannari or pit fiend, we'd need serious fire power."

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Commission: King of Lust Tournament Part 4

As the lord sat up more in his seat he watched as the lower pit demons started to move in on the tired and fatigued body of the elephant he wanted as his own. "no," this bat would stop them, narrowing his gaze, "release the pit hounds.

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Hellacious Mythica (Second Eternity - Eps 4)

A pit fiend. it grabs dominic's arms pinning them behind dominic's back. the demon mage approaches dominic slowly. "did you think i could be banished so easily by another mage who didn't have permission to be in that region?"

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