Random Rabbit Shorts - Wendell and the Creeper Flower

Twice, franklin tried to run off while wendell was gathering, possiby thinking that the red mage couldn't sustain hold while doing something else.

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Sorcery.Net: Into AltWorlds

Mina said that you probably wouldn't be able to decide and remind you that red mage was a mix of everything." "sure, that sounds good." will said quietly, still awed by everything around him. "will i be picking a race too?"

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Random Rabbit Shorts - Wendell's Job

"i'm a red mage, of the rangers." franklin, who was already getting his steam back, snarled, his eyes glowing even brighter.

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Heroic Misadventures

Minerva... you stay on hand with potions, and samual... blast it with some red mage magic." "marcus... you are an idiot! you can't kill a blue dragon with red magic! you have to use green magic!"

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Restless Night [Ch. 8 - ~Magistasia~]

The red mage sighed, realizing that the boy was too taken aback by the situation. with a swift kick to a piece of rubble, he sent a stone piece flying towards the cub's head.

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King of the Orcs, Part 11

Torches of blood red mage light burned on every wall. zor knelt in the center of the room. his wrists were chained to the walls behind him, big arms hanging in space. he had been shaved hairless.

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An Ultima Mage

Her father had been a red mage, and her mother, a blue, but that was all she knew about them, as they had been killed at the hands of the demon army when she was only a baby.

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The Glowing 2ed draft

Bobby is making his way to the fourth rank, he is a 'red mage'... there is something weird going on over there." kirk looks uneasy.

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Danse Macabre [Ch. 7 - ~Magistasia~]

Maverick gasped, the red mage's hand clutched around his closed hand at the dagger's handle, the blade some mere inches from the man's stomach. "heh... heheh... ehehehahahhahahahahaha!!!

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The Glowing

I ran monk, red mage, black mage, white mage." as the two kids talk a gray ford ranger pulls into the parking lot, it has a custom bumper, a steal cage that jim's brother tom had welded onto the beast of a truck after an accident last summer.

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.1 Interviews Before the Test

My secondary job class is red mage. no one beamed, or made "that's my prized student" gestures to anyone else as xavier talked. they were too enraptured by his eyes. squall liked xavier. he was hard working and dedicated.

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King of the Orcs, Part 6

Torches of blood red mage light burned on every wall. zor knelt in the center of the room. his wrists were chained to the walls behind him, big arms hanging in space. he had been shaved hairless.

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