Stacy's Mom
"don't talk to me about relationship advice," stacy said. i winced involuntarily. jenn froze for a second, then continued rummaging through the cabinets. "relationship advice?" she said. "whatever gave you that idea?"
How I Came to Love My Best Friend: Chapter 4
He just wanted relationship advice. he thought that i was being too intrusive when all i recommended was to send me a copy of your hard drive!" "cat, come on. that is pretty intrusive. where the hell do you live nowadays? i need to visit soon."
Luca's Story Ch. 11
"you know, this was all interesting until you two went all relationship-advice mode." both girls whirled around to face harold. by their looks, he knew he'd just screwed up listening in. "alright, well i can see i'm not welcome.
Finn Thinks Really Really Hard About Wriitng
#1 of other in which our friendly neighborhood panther gets relationship advice and also thinks really just quite hard about writing.
Fix or Forget | Part 1
"i'm not one to give relationship advice, anyway." "thanks, son." i pull him into a hug while trying to figure out what to do next. maybe mark's right... maybe i really should just take the leap and talk to warren. finally, i make my decision.
Every friend they had would always come to matthew for advice, especially relationship advice, and everyone with any problem knew they could lay it on his lap and sob on his shoulder, and he'd do all that he could to solve it.
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 04
"if it's just business then why were you attempting to ask me for relationship advice!?"
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 21: An Extra Group Member
"so, did my relationship advice work?" i asked lucas, lucario curious what i was talking about. lucas nodded and, surprising for me, hugged me: it felt.... good, like when two friends hug. i heard say quietly "thank you."
Imani (Part II)
"are you giving me relationship advice? you set me up with him in the first place!" i'm teasing him, but his face is stone and unmoving. "you need someone like me."
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 01: Do Opposites Attract?
Was it a rhetorical question, was the wolf drunk, or was he asking for relationship advice? "maybe." answered the panther. "depends." "depends?" "relationships aren't something that can be figured out simply, you know.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 37: The Door You Opened
If kevin was going to ask him about relationship advice... well, he guessed it was time vilkas got a boyfriend or girlfriend for himself to get his mind off the jealousy. the husky looked back at the window. winter was coming to an end.
Sating Curiosity, Part One
The lion has taken up a new profession giving relationship advice to couples, with a catch: only one half of the couple knows about the advice until a certain point, and the other half finds out in a very extreme way!