The Bounty Hunter and the Princess
A gift for: lanathekitkat samus aran moved in silence through the halls of the imperial castle, the infrared and thermal overlays of her helmet bathing the stone corridors in unnatural colors.
What I Am - Ch 1
Gone was samus aran the bounty hunter. now, she was samus aran the volantosaur. any trepidations vanished as her memories of fight after fight, battle after battle trailed through samus' mind.
A Metroid on the Brain 5 - The End of Zebes
** _ why won't you accept your fate as my victim, samus aran?! nothing can kill me, not even the gods themselves!" she aimed her arm cannon at his face with one single phrase.
Deeper within
I really enjoyed writing this one, as it made me think how i would describe something like one of samus aran's adventures with words alone. i sincerely hope the end result is, at least, decent.
Super Smash Half-Brothers?
samus aran and i are going steady when we're not fighting it out on the battlefield..." fox leans back in his chair. "ho-ho! way to go, fox!" james pats fox's shoulder proudly.
Samus Aran: Space Pirate Cum Dump
"the great samus aran, bounty hunter extraordinaire, reduce to nothing but a condom for us 'low-lifes' to fill." he growled as he felt his loins churn with more man milk. "isn't that wonderful."
Metal Made Malleable
More stories like this can be found over at my patreon: this story features bounty hunter samus aran using a captured ridley for some stress relief after a rough mission. "wake up, meat."
True Blue Love
All of nintendo's most revered characters came to support the merger, including mario, donkey kong, samus aran, link, and fox mccloud and his team.
A Metroid on the Brain 4 - Aquaphobia
#4 of chronicles of finalgamer 1 - metroid despite barely escaping with his life thanks to the heroic rescue of samus aran, the raptor is still lost and terrified of this alien world as he traverses deeper within the planet of zebes, quite literally out of
Starstruck Love
samus aran was wondering a lot of things, and getting a lot of answers she didn't like. she was wondering what kept her from struggling. was it leather bindings? steel shackles? plasma? of course not.
Blasting Zone 1 - Broadened Horizons
._ _the other is samus aran, a bounty hunter with space-faring gunship with her mission being to hunt down and destroy a mobile science lab manned by space pirates. further details of these two are in dr.