The Serpent's Corruption
You feel every inch of his sculpted body under the water, making out with your sense of touch where your sense of sight could not perceive. the serpent's body was impossibly perfect.
Foods no longer seem to tease at my tongue leaving what little pleasure there is to the sense of touch. i can't say that i was always this way; it seems that it just recently started. my ears twitch as i hear the roar of a 454 motor.
Chasing Your Dreams
His mind still fuzzy from the afterglow, his hands finaly regaining their sense of touch. his paws roamed over the frame of his stalker. her chest was...flat. different. the mouse pulled loose and scooted her panties up.
The Dog Owner
She squeaked a final, moaning whimper as the darkness made her focus all the more upon her sense of touch - the slippery-smooth, but firmly gripping, rolling waves of pressure tugging her inexorably down, into blackness, heat and rushing, wooshing, rumbling
IRL Ch.1: This Dreem We Share
The look on her face tells me that she set her sense of touch to "realistic" allowing her to feel all the little pains that made the pleasure that much more rewording, my kind of girl.
Where Easter Eggs Come From
Devoid of sight, smell, taste, with only her senses of touch and hearing intact, jill had learned to recognize these males by their voices and actions.
Keeper of the Forest
Even compared to his powers, the forest sprite could feel the tree's own energies, electric and vibrant, thrumming along within the root, just outside the range of his sense of touch.
You Otter be Getting Wet!: Intro Chapter
His brain filled with the sense of touch only, this touch being to feeling of his siblings pert ass rubbing over his crotch, the thin fabric of his swim trunks doing nothing to block the sensation that sent shivers up his spine and a quiver into his breath
Some Inches (Transformation Story)
Smell was definitely the most dominant sense for the ram now, his sense of touch slowly starting to fade even as vis continued to feel his new equipment up.
can't make it this week (sorry) - Thursday Prompt Story [#11, 16/3/23]
In some ways, i'm lucky to have such a versatile form for any situation, but it actually really stinks since i temporarily lose my vision while i'm stuck as the puddle, even with the heightened sense of touch to make up for it.
One long strange Trip: The first peak
Especially their hearing and sense of touch as well as (obviously) their night vision. right now caelan was going to take advantage of that and introduce liam to the most, physically, pleasing part of a relationship.
About ursa minans
Ursa minans have less acute hearing then humans do to the much simpler ear structure, and they also have less sense of touch because of their armored scales. however, ursa minans have a far superior sense of smell then humans.