A Second Chance

#1 of writing group challenge writing group challenge #1 **surprise, it's me again! that pesky itch to write was stubborn and didn't want to go away, but i wasn't sure what to write about.

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Fearful Run

#4 of writing group challenge a continuation of visiting town, we find out a bit more about tet, and the world he's in. i'm really enjoying tet, he's a fun little kobold friend.

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#2 of writing group challenge my writing group has weekly writing prompts that we can do to improve our skills. this week's being "it's been so long that i've forgotten what it was like."

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test report

#6 of writing group challenges hey for this weeks prompt is: what happens when a 'first time' doesn't go as planned?

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Random Hookup on a Midwest Highway

#36 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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No one is home anymore

#31 of writing group challenges hey, sorry for the radio silence. ended up suffering from a bad case of writers block and that stopped me for awhile. i manage to get this story made, but it took longer then i like to admit. so i am very sorry about that.

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A Truck Stop Trick

#49 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Ex-Stepfather Part 2

#41 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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I Just Want to Play a Video Game

#1 of writing group challenge ever come home after a long day, looking forward to winding down with a nice video game? here we are. my first foray into the fandom.

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Where We Part Ways

#27 of writing group challenges hello, been a while since i posted any writing. i am sorry about that. this weeks prompt: when an alliance of convenience came to an end i was never a party person.

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Felines are Complicated

#4 of writing group challenges well, he said to meet in the library, right...?

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Felines are Unpredictable

#2 of writing group challenges why are there no other students in the hallway? i'm beginning to think all these stories are fake...

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