High School is Hell - Anger
The reason why the taste of leopold's anger was so familiar was because it was the same kind of anger he bore. a11 had told him to look deep within himself for the reason for his anger.
Owning My Humanity -- Anger
I've retconned the titles of these entries, and decided to give them each a theme, in order to help them retain a sense of seperate identity, so that they don't all blur together into one great mess of words. Today's tale deals with my impotent rage...
It had relieved some of their pent up anger and that could only benefit the city more. "maybe swat kat...we'll see." was all he was willing to say.
The Last Dragons, A father's anger
But this was beyond anger. it was an ancient rage, fueled by more than my anger at my master's betrayal. it was an anger that had smoldered in the blood of every dragon and every one of their descendants for millennia.
Chapter 2 - A Trainer's Anger
#2 of of dragon descent of dragon descent chapter 2: a trainer's anger pokemon fan fic by: scy storm ssbs.furrynet.com * * * jules goes airborne as he lashes toward draco, who steps to the side.
A Dragon's Life 09.12 (Anger)
I know i roared at her in anger, but she just left, not wanting to deal with the argument. maybe she still remembers what she said. maybe she doesn't. but to me, it's infuriating.
Un Defecto Fatal
Muchos errores fatales a considerar, no temas, un ser humano siempre serás. Como ocultar tan deplorables fracasos, no los conviertas en falsos aciertos. Un defecto fatal hecho convicción, una mentira diseñada para disminuir dolor, un estandarte...
The Oppressor
The Oppressor scorns, And he never mourns. He throws others in the flame, Never knowing that he is the one to blame. Flesh and blood, It does not matter. 'Tis just another thing Given to batter. Is it possible, In this song, That the...
Please wish me luck
Please wish me luck tomorrow at school I'm going to be in a meeting About this dude who assaulted me and harassed me bc I'm a furry
We all have someone we look up to as a person to emulate That person, whether related or not, that puts us in a state Of a desire to strive harder and push further to our goals How we all grow up strong stallions and mares after being foals We...
We all have someone we look up to as a person to emulate That person, whether related or not, that puts us in a state Of a desire to strive harder and push further to our goals How we all grow up strong stallions and mares after being foals We...
Tower of Ancients Chapter 12~ Deadly Mistake
Her eyes were filled with anger and hatred. _"no one fucks with my hair!" she yells._