The Woodland Visitor Ch 23: Self Doubt

The Woodland Visitor Ch 23: Self Doubt So innocent and pure looking. That's the first thing that comes to mind as I gaze at her sleeping form. How could anything so beautiful be such a cold hearted killer? How could I have taken this...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 22: The Fate of the World

Let me start by saying that I apologize to everyone whose been waiting. This tour has been more difficult than the others. With greater rank "DOES" come greater responsibility... Who woulda thunk that??? Anyway before you go calling me every name in...

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A Stellar Affair Chapter two: A New Life

A Stellar Affair Chapter two A New Life ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Authors Note ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: One of these days I'm gonna stop moving around enough to write "Or...

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A Stellar Affair Chapter one: Change

::::::::::::::: Authors Note ::::::::::::::: First I have to apologize to everyone who has been waiting for the next chapter of the Woodland Visitor. Some people say that when they can't write, that they ran into a wall. My wall feels like the...

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Reality Sucks

Reality Sucks I just can't help but enjoy myself as I walk along the pathways of the park. For the first time in days, everything is quiet. With no worries I enjoy the fragrance of the trees and the freshly cut grass as I stroll deeper...

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Why Me

Here's one of my first stories I wrote a while ago. It's something I never was going to let anyone see but one of my friends finally convinced me to post it. He told me that he liked it and others might like it too. I hope you like it. Why Me ...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 18: Pearl's Prophecy

The Woodland Visitor Ch 18: Pearl's Prophecy "Bur... m... bur" I couldn't move because I was in shock. I just watched as amber's eyes got real big and she looked up at me with an open mouth. Her tail started wagging like a dogs and there...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 17: A Beautiful Gem

The Woodland Visitor Ch 17: A Beautiful Gem I ran as fast as I could down the street to where it lay. My suspicions were confirmed as I looked from the long neck to the broken and torn wings to the tail that lay curled off to the side behind it....

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 16: New Life

The Woodland Visitor Ch 16: New Life The clearing was quiet and peaceful with birds singing and the sound of the stream playing over the rocks soothing to the ears. Shafts of sunlight spotted the ground turning the morning dew that clung...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 15: Happiness

The Woodland Visitor Ch 15: Happiness It was about two hours later when I returned to the house. One of the things he told me was that he liked it here and was wondering if I could talk to Brenah about staying. I walked in pondering what he...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 14: Tanya's Legacy

The Woodland Visitor Ch 14: Tanya's Legacy I was off the couch like a bullet flying from a gun. Dropping down beside Sienna I placed an arm around her and held her tight. "Sienna, what's wrong?" "It's the baby" she said through...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 13: Revelations

Again I apologize for the shortness, but it's hard to write this storyline the way I did and not give away the future plot. As always, all comments are appreciated and wanted. The Woodland Visitor Ch 13 Revelations Sienna looked...

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