Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Seven.

Chapter Seven His dreams were dark, troubling things that took him on a journey through grim scenes. Some he recognized as long distant memories, others just strange twisted things. He heard his name being said, or at least he thought it was his...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Six.

Chapter Six He led Velanis through the web of streets for a time, taking her to where Aemon had situated his smithy. She'd taken off the cloak he'd given her at one point and had it draped over an arm. The day was a warm, and the combination of...

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Last Of The Bloodline, Aris' Tale: Chapter Two.

Aris' Tale -Chapter Two- Aris eventually crawled into his own bedding later that night, when the world had grown dark and the only light came from the flashes of lightning. Salria had stayed quietly asleep, the storm outside seeming to not...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Nineteen.

Chapter Nineteen The sun was hanging low in the sky, casting long shadows on the ground as it descended. Velanis crouched behind the cover, waiting. She'd been waiting longer than she could stand, the only time she'd moved being when Naleen had...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter Eighteen Velanis ran as fast as she safely could, using her tail as a counterweight as she bent her torso low to get the most out of her powerful legs. She'd been following the trail of scent for precious minutes, running alongside the...

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Last Of The Bloodline, Aris' Tale: Chapter One.

Last Of The Bloodline Aris' Tale -Chapter One- He awoke to the sun shining into his face, blinking his bleary eyes open as he turned his head away from the bright light. He rolled over, hauling himself up into a sitting position and rubbing at...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Seventeen.

Chapter Seventeen The next day found them in the more lively part of the forest, the trees growing larger and the plants in general more abundant. She followed passively along as Falren led them between the trees, ears and eyes silently...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter Sixteen That afternoon passed into evening without anything of note happening, leaving her to occupy her own mind as the fall of water drenched any ideas of venturing outside. For what it was worth though, the storm had slowed as...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Fifteen.

Chapter Fifteen The loud reverberation of yet more thunder jarred her from her sleep, making her crack her eyes open to peer out the nearby window. The rain poured down still, drumming against the roof and turning the view into a gray field of...

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Warmth in the Cold. (Talyxian x Sergal)

Warmth in the Cold  Marik's breath plumed in front of him as he walked, following the lone path through the mountains with a goal only he really know about. In truth he didn't even know what that goal was, or what he was hoping to gain. He'd been...

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Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Fourteen.

Chapter Fourteen She blinked her eyes open, giving a wide, happy smile up at the still dark sky. It appeared to be night still, or at least, very late night. Either way she knew the end of their overnight stop would be over relatively soon, so...

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Mara's Servant. (Alternate ending, soft vore.)

Mara's Servant  Mara walked the smooth, stone paved streets of Mivat, claws scratching over the stone lightly. Her silken covers rustled in the warm breeze that blew between the tall, richly decorated buildings, the near translucent cloth acting more...

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