Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep12

Later than night, Hazard was coming out of his bedroom after checking up on Sasuga and leaving her sound asleep on his bed. The poor thing must have had quite an adventure today, with what happened at her university, her power awakening and...

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Dead Shadows- Part 3

(Finally, the conclusion to Dead Shadows. Hope you enjoy, I'll be writing more stories in the future ;D) **Part 3** The four survivors of the recon team took another moment to recover from the horrifing battle they had just witnessed. They were...

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A Moment Suspended in Time

We always came to this spot. A big ol' cliff where lovebirds would come back in the 70's in their hot rod cars and some Poison playin on transistors,looking out at the city lights, then roll up the windows, crawl into the back seat...all that jazz....

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Waking up is a Strange World - Overtime -

Okay, i now feel up to this, im not tired, and im not drugged up on morphine at the moment... speaking of which i better be quick at doing anyways, i hope you guys are enjoying these, they are fun to make. enjoy Jack awoke to a...

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Ragnarok - Chapter 1 - part 2

**Chapter 1** **Enter The Dragon** **Part 2** There was an ear shattering crack and everything began to shake violently, both Liz and her father fell over from the ferocity of the shaking and almost as quickly...

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Winter Break: Chapter 4

I decided to upload all, if not, most of the chapters. I know you've been waiting a long time, but here it is. Chapter 4 of "Winter Break". It's a little short, I know, but I just put in what I felt was...

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The Furry Rebellion: The First Time

9/21/1351/ 1200 Hours, Krekhana Todd's Journal : Today's the best day of my life! Mary and I walk down the aisle today! I planned this out for months. I told...

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Unfortunate Fortunes

This is not usually what i write, but after certain events today i felt compelled to write it. so here goes Unfortunate Fortunes by foxgloves january 6th 2010. Aden, an 11 year old boy almbled down the steep slope of the ravine. It was...

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

First I'd like to apolodise for taking so long to post a second story, and second all characters belong to me so hands off no takey takey. With that out of the way lets do it. ---- "S- saria?" Dante stammered letting go of his long...

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New Years Day fun

Here is the final chapter to my holiday story this will have some sex so be warned Sanchez awoke in the morning, because of a call from the hospital. Mark has made a great recovery and can go home the doctor said on the other line....

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Inhuman | Chapter 6: Home Safe

I had this done just in time for Christmas, but dang it, the site wasn't up yet, and even when it was, I wasn't able to upload until today. So, here it is, your rather belated Christmas/Hanukkahs/Kwanzaa/Holiday-of-Choice present, along with a happy...

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Cobalt Fox

alright I'm doing this becase for once in a long time i'm in the mood so i'm telling you right now it's not going to be good at all only read if you are truly bored and when i say it's going to be bad i mean plot wise and gramer wise true i could have...

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