Friend and Slave Chapter 4 - Defective
Nicas groans from the pressure being applied to his little frame. He can barely see where Cole is walking, but he's certain that he's in trouble wherever Cole plans to go. Finally, the pressure eases up and he finds himself toss none-too-gently onto a...
Insif’s Introduction - A new challenger approaches
_Author's note: This is a short story to introduce my new dewott character, Insift :)_ With toes splayed into the ground, Insif peers at the smaller human that'd just approached him. The leather of the gloves snugged to his charcoal-gray paws...
Treading Chapter 10 - Move-in
**--Fen--** "It'll be fine, Naki isn't going to do anything bad to me," I mutter as we ride towards Phalance's main campus. Today's the day we move in and I couldn't be more excited-- or should I say anxious? Neither could my parents, apparently, as...
Another Neotrian Christmas
**--Otto--** "Thanks, dad," I state, taking the cloaker he holds out and clasping it in my palm. Behind him stands Mrs. Varin; a normal-sized, white-furred fox and mother of the family we're indentured to. "Going up," Mrs. Varin states as she...
Of Mice and Dragons
"Alright, Selendro." Jevin grins a little, looking around for the dragon. "I know you're around here somewhere and it's high time you see what a giant wolf looks like!" He taps his toes over the floor for a moment, hoping to jar the tiny dragon...
Treading Chapter 9 - Requoran Neotrian
**--Naki--** "And what were you doing that was so important that you didn't -call- to tell us that you wouldn't be home? You had us worried sick, Naki!" mom says, keeping her voice just below shouting levels. I try to keep a straight face but I'm...
Treading Chapter 8 - Registration
**--Naki--** Fen and I don't talk as much for a few days. When I do manage to get him on the phone, our conversations are short and they don't flow as well as they did in previous weeks. I notice he's more agitated, especially on the topic of...
Treading Chapter 7 - Graduation
**--Fen--** I have nightmares that night, hours after I kissed Naki for the first time. His finding out isn't entirely okay, yet. I still wonder if he really has my best interests in mind, even if he'd been so sweet at prom. I keep telling myself...
Serious Ceno
"Ugh, what a day," Nox states as he walks in and flops on the couch, sprawling and staring off at the wall opposite. "Ceno? Where are you?" "I'm playing Killing Floor, give me ten minutes," the other bat shouts. "I need you noooowww! Come...
A Micro’s Place
Both Noxxy and Jevin squirm, arms held above their heads in the clasp of an enormous, grinning red dragon's hand; thick, powerful fingers more than large enough to fully hold both arms in place without much effort. Even with their cloakers on the wolf...
A Small Vacation
Sofurry doesn't like the formatting so here's a google docs link if you'd like to see things formatted. If you don't care, feel free to skip the link...
Morty’s First Christmas
"Welcome to your new home," I remember Mom saying as I looked up at her, confused as to how I should react to her words but mostly happy all the same. Every year leading up to that point I had been an orphan; I'd never known my parents, where I came...