Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Gravid Gallimimus

The smell of fresh eggs hung heavy in the air, a smell as hot and wet as the hole they dropped from, and a smell predators craved. Accompanying the smell was the soft grunts and moans of the laying mother, heavy with her first clutch and too strained...

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Natasha Tarbosaurus Starts a Family

As the year approached its final quarter, the leaves of the ancient Mongolian forest began to change for the approaching fall. Where once vibrant shades of green filled the wood, reds and browns took their place. Deep within the cretaceous forest,...

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Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Winter Crisis

Winter brought much change to the late cretaceous forests of Mongolia. When once trees were lush and green, cold winds and snow withered the leaves and left the forests barren. This was a time of migration for most, seeking refuge in the nearby desert...

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Miss Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Dinner Mishap

Despite the setting sun, the night life of the late cretaceous was almost as active as during the day. With predators out to catch a quick snack or just have a little fun, a sky full of stars was barely a deterrent for activity. A popular eating...

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Miss Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Teenage Pregnancy

The sound of the school bell rang loudly through Sir Richard Owen High, dismissing the students for the day and allowing the tired teens to make their treks back home or stay behind for various after school activities or possibly detention. One of...

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Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Guilty Egg Stealer

Light was scarce in the forest as the sun began to set. In their nest, Natasha the Tarbosaurus and her mate, Hiro, were sleeping after a successful hunt earlier that day and a long laying of their eggs shortly after. Worn out and comfortable at each...

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Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 5

**Part Five - Kamoya vs. Gorosaurus** Deep in the forest, Kamoya stopped. "Okay, we're here." Anguirus looked around. It seemed like any other part of the forest. He looked over in Kamoya's direction, and then he saw it, a massive dug out hole...

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Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Expected Delivery

The sound of crashing footsteps and breaking tree limbs echoed through the forest like thunder on earth, and interspaced between steps, loud roars rattled trees and caused any nearby fauna to run for their lives. Natasha the Tarbosaurus was on the...

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